11/03/2024 - CP2C - "Windstorm" - Pastor Tadd Mann

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CP2C - Coastal Plains Cowboy Church - Boling, Texas, USA
“Windstorm” - with Pastor Tadd Mann
John 20:19-22 (828), Luke 24:44-49 (808), Acts 1:6-8 (830), Acts 1:12-26 (830), Acts 2:1-13 (830), Acts 2:14-36 (831), Acts 2:37-41 (831), Acts 2:42-47 (831), Hebrews 10:23-25 (926) and References to Genesis 2:7, Ephesians 1:13 & 1 Corinthians 15:45
Numbers in ( ) are page numbers from "Learning the Ropes" bible (NLT).

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