1 month ago

VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Politicians, the media and others will tell you that content like this dangerous and a threat to our democracy. It's actually Freedom of Speech. Also, we are not a democracy, the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic that uses democracy within the framework of the Constitution.

Below you will find a summary of the Communist Manifesto. Once you see it, you can't un-see it.

The Communist Manifesto represents a philosophy that teaches the citizens to GIVE UP THEIR RIGHTS for the sake of the "COMMON GOOD." It always ends in a police state. This is called preventative justice. Control is the key concept. Read carefully:
1. Abolish private property
2. Heavy progressive income tax
3. Abolish all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Central bank
6. Government control of Communication & Transportation
7. Government ownership of factories & agriculture
8. Government control of labor
9. Corporate farms, regional planning
10. Government control of Education

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