“Smolder: The Sad Tale Of Destruction!” GET TO THE POINT™ Come Follow Me: Mormon 7-9

4 months ago

Get my book: https://www.amazon.com/Consider-Servant-Kendal-Brian-Hunter/dp/1555177522

Opening Hymn: https://youtu.be/pOsWUA7cK50?si=m9oxrYAwdOTpPYhx&t=31

"Smolder: The Sad Tale Of Destruction!"
I. Intro
i. You're looking good today and it feels good to be with you.
ii. Patter
II. Theme: "Smolder: The Sad Tale Of Destruction!"
III. Mormon 7
i. Personal background.
1. Remember, this is my version of the events. I was in the MTC, and one of my professors wanted to read this chapter to us missionaries. I asked "Isn't this written to the Lamanites." He froze and dropped the matter
2. Interesting. MTC professor, must have been a great missionary. Knew how to think on feet and handle objections. Seen in other situations.
3. Insight to the Questions Question--are questions allowed, and how to leaders and teachers respond to questions which they are not prepared to anwer.
4. How I would have responded. "yes that is the interpretation. But there is also application, likening unto ourselves. Does this feel like a good approach for us today?
ii. Know ye
1. HBE Simple truths, QLC scriptures, DBH The Gospel Basics Haven't Changed, LTP, Back to Basics
2. Tied to identities, Who we are
3. Universal doctrine, and personal application--bloodthirsty.
iii. Christ's mission of redemption
IV. Mormon 8. Remember the covenant
i. Hand off to Moroni. To believers, key word is the covenant, Series of bullet points.
ii. Summaries destruction:
1. The hand of the Lord has done it (no passive occurrence, but an active act: Mor. 4:5 But, behold, the judgments of God will overtake the wicked; and it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished; for it is the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto bloodshed.)
2. One continuous round of bloodshed
iii. Joseph Smith
iv. Imperfections in the record
1. JS Manual Ch 45, I never told perfect
2. AF 8, as for as translated correctly
3. Not all-suffcient, infallible, plenary verbal inspiration
v. Eternal purposes roll on (deal with mortal muddle). Temporal purposes, temporarily set back, such as 116 pages, and unbuilt temples
vi. Isaiah
vii. Prayer of saints for record
viii. Signs of last day
1. Blood
2. vapors of smoke
a. Sumbawa Volcano Saints Ch. 1
b. Mt. St. Helens, 1980
c. Yellowstone fires, 1988
d. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, 1945
e. Chernobyl, 1986
f. Fukishima, 2011
3. Pollution
4. Churches, prideful, clothing, enabling sinners, indulgences and indulging in sin
ix. Write as is present: "If they saw our day, and chose those things which would be of greatest worth to us, is not that how we should study the Book of Mormon? We should constantly ask ourselves, "Why did the Lord inspire Mormon or Moroni or Alma to include that in their records? What lesson can I learn from that to help me live in this day and age?" ETB ch 10
x. People as pollution, false churches
xi. Message to believers, general Christendom, not to members,though application
V. Mormon 9
i. To all else, no believers
ii. What is it going to take you to believe?
iii. Irresistible Grace:
1. I say unto you that ye would be more miserable to dwell with a holy and just God, under a consciousness of your filthiness before him, than ye would to dwell with the damned souls in hell.
2. To drag someone into heaven a worse punishment than hell
iv. Deny revelations and gifts and miracles
1. God doesn't change
2. Imaginary God, personal credulity, I believe , therefore it is
3. Christ's life full of miracles, creation, and atonement
4. Bruce R. McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, p.363
a. In the ultimate sense, all that God does is a miracle;
5. Scientism, and David Hume--miracles against laws of nature. But since we don;t know all the laws--
v. Miracles and Christ's atonement
1. Father, Adam, Christ, Judgment
2. Creation and Atonement
vi. No miracles because of no faith
vii. Nature of record. JSM ch 4
VI. Christ Quotient
i. Atonement Quotient
1. Atone people vs Natural men
ii. Echo of collapse
iii. "Our Day" Net, what truth catches? Nothing fishy? What patterns, trends and themes are you seeing?
1. Prides cycle
2. Secret combinations
3. Assassinations and disputed elections
4. Pollution
iv. Identity: Know who you are, know who Christ is
v. What doing with faith?
vi. This is not the Disney Happy Ending we want, but we are being told things we need to know.
vii. the ultimate thing is to know Jesus Christ--and that's the point.
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