X22 Report-3489-Stocks Inst. Investors Down-Prepare For Insurgency/Counter-NG Activated-Ad Free!

2 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3489a - Stocks Seeing Outflow Of Institutional Investors,Trump Paves The Way With More Solutions

The German people are not satisfied with their government, the economy is tanking and this will soon happen around the world. EU loosening tariffs for China. Fake new making it seem everything is ok. Institutional investors are leaving the stock market. Trump paves the way with another solution.

Ep. 3489b - Prepare For Insurgency & The Counterinsurgency, National Guard Activated

The [DS] knows they cannot win the election with their ballot cheating system. Trump and the patriots have been setting up road blocks and countering their cheating methods before the elections. The [DS] is now preparing for the insurgency which will be countered by the counterinsurgency. Playbook know. National Guard activated in Nevada. 

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