The Book of Daniel - Chapter 14

3 months ago

As discussed in our previous studies, Daniel Chapter 14, aka Bel and the Dragon, appears in the Greek Septuagint, Ethiopian, Latin and Eastern Orthodox Bibles but appears to be removed from the original Hebrew text (and Protestant Bible)

Bel and the Dragon is mainly broken up into 2 sections:
v1-22 – Daniel refuses to worship a statue of BEL and reveals why
v23-42 – Daniel refuses to worship a DRAGON and is thrown into the lion's den
Some people ask if Daniel was thrown into the lion's den twice but it appears this is a retelling of the events of Daniel 6 from a slightly different perspective (eg. like the 4 different Gospels speaking of Christ)

The main theme is placing complete Trust in God [pisteuo] and refusing to bow down to anything or anyone else. He is Sovereign and He can Deliver.

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