GUN SHOWS, Queensland state election – and Tasmania Police eyes WA style laws

3 months ago

WE COVER what the outcome of the Queensland State Election means for shooters – and why the Greens lost ground.

PLUS we give a run down of the 2024 SSAA Shot Expo in Melbourne, which was the first one in five years – with a similar show being lined up in Brisbane next May by the Shooters Union Australia.

WE also look at changes Tasmania Police are looking at making to the firearm licence application form – which will make it five times as long as an application for getting a driver’s licence! There are questions which look like they are modelled on what has been happening in WA – so now is the time for shooters EVERYWHERE to make their voices heard.

TasPol are seeking feedback on the proposed form by 21 November – so HERE’S YOUR CHANCE to have your say.

Find out more about the changes at:

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