Psalm 119 part 5 v33-40 "Teach me to follow your decrees" Tune: Truro. Sing Psalms. 5th: he

3 months ago

Psalm 119 verses 33 to 40.
Sing Psalms version
Tune: Truro. This is sometimes used for the hymn "Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates."
For more on the tune see:
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
This is the fifth section of psalm 119.
In the original Hebrew each stanza of this section begins with the letter he ה.
Crow Road Free Church

PSALM 119 (5) L.M.

33 Teach me to follow your decrees;
Then I will keep them to the end.
34 Give insight, and I’ll keep your law,
With all my heart to it attend.

35 Lead me in your commandments’ path,
For there, O LORD, delight I find.
36 Incline my heart towards your laws;
From selfish gain preserve my mind.

37 O turn my eyes from worthless things;
Give life according to your word.
38 To me, your servant, keep your pledge,
So that you may be feared, O LORD.

39 Remove from me the shame I dread;
Your laws excel in uprightness.
40 O how I long for your decrees!
Preserve me in your righteousness.

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