Are you fulfilling the Terms of the Covenant? Circumcision(Heart & Physical) a Sign of the Covenant!

3 months ago

Yahuah entered into an Agreement/Covenant with Abram:

Yahuhah would give Abram 1. A Seed whose number would be as the stars in the shamaim 2. Land 3. Nations & Kings would come from him 4. He would cause him to Greatly Increase & Bear Fruits Exceedingly 5. Yahuah sealed this covenant by blood after cutting the animals.
Barashith(Genesis) 15: 5 & 18-20

Abram was to Circumcise males in his household, born and bought Barashith(Genesis) 17: 9-14

This Covenant hasn’t changed!

Circumcision of the Heart Does Not Replace Physical Circumcision. Debarim(Deuteronomy) 10:16; YirmeYahu(Jeremiah)4:4; Romans 2:28-29 & Colossians 2:11

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