Nate Silver Calls Out Polls For 'Cheating,' Putting 'Fingers On Scale,' Drops His Latest Forecast

4 months ago

Posted • November 1, 2024: Election analyst Nate Silver has President Donald Trump up in his latest forecast. 🔴 Trump: 53.8% -- 🔵 Harris: 45.8% -- Silver also managed to get a lot of people talking when he called out polls for trying to keep the race close, which he termed "herding" or "cheating," saying they couldn't all be coming out within one point. Nate Silver to pollsters: “You’re f*cking herding. You’re cheating ... Your numbers aren’t all going to come out at exactly one-point leads when you’re sampling 800 people over dozens of surveys. You are lying. You’re putting your f*cking finger on the scale." He said the race has moved toward Trump since early October. Then he started mocking the polls, saying, "Every state is a plus 1! Every single state's a tie! No, you're f**ing cheating!" (…)

• More at: RedState - Nate Silver Calls Out Polls for 'Cheating,' Putting 'Fingers on Scale,' Drops His Latest Forecast
PJ Media: Nate Silver Claims Pollsters Are 'Putting Their Finger on the Scale' to Make It Appear the Race Is Close
New York Post: Election guru Nate Silver accuses pollsters of putting ‘finger on the scale,’ lying to keep presidential race close
CNBC: Nate Silver: Don’t trust the Trump swing in 2024 presidential election polls, betting markets data
Rumble: Nate Silver: Pollsters Are 'Putting Their Finger On The Scale' To Make It Appear The Race Is Close
Townhall: If This NYT Polling Result Is Even Close to Accurate, She's in Big Trouble

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