JSC Showcase | Valentide II: Deluxe Edition

3 months ago

[JSC Showcase]

Itch: https://onyenacho.itch.io/valentide-2
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2278040/Valentide/
JSC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2097480/Jam_Scrapz_Collection/
Website: https://neotlempire.com/

Valentine is back! This time in the 3rd dimension!

Your mission is simple: kill as many humans as possible before the time runs out. Levels are randomize each time you start a new match from the main menu.

In a level, you only have 6 minutes to slaughter humanity on Valentine's Day, and in such short amount of time, the humans will do everything they can to eliminate you as well, from the local government, to state, federal, the army, and united nations all trying to hunting you down.

Your allies from outer space may teleport powerups to help you complete your simple, yet gruesome mission.

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