JSC Showcase | 99 Cracks: The Winter Fix

3 months ago

[JSC Showcase]

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2099162/99_Cracks_The_Winter_Fix/
Itch: https://onyenacho.itch.io/99-cracks
Game Jolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/99cracks/740198
JSC: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2097480/Jam_Scrapz_Collection/
Website: https://neotlempire.com/

A treasure chest holding an ancient gem inside an cold mountain. Numerous cracks. Many ways to die. 4 hours of pure exploration and survival. A pure, DIY (Do It Yourself) game.

You are Thomas Washington, and archeologist set on a quest to find a treasure chest holding a relic called the Cerulean Shard, located deep in a cave at the highest peak of Mount Tyson in Tyson, Georgia, USA, while carefully navigating your way through the frozen ice patches, unstable bridges, dangerously hot geysers, and shaky mountain tops, throughout the Tundra. 4 hours of pure exploration and survival.

There is a lot of platforming and running in this semi-realistic first-person adventure game heavily inspired by Myst.

No HUD. No guides or navigation markers (besides the main menu). No one on the radio telling you what to do or where to go. You think on your own feet and learn the land as you go. Learn, adapt, survive, or die.

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