Football Coach Deion Sanders may have to get his left foot amputated - June 2023

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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Football Coach Deion Sanders may have to get his left foot amputated

Continues to suffer from Covid-19 Vaccine induced blood flow problems

His big toe & the toe next to it has been amputated - blood clots running down his leg from the top of his calf.

Deion Sanders may have to get his left foot amputated as he continues to suffer from blood flow problems in the area, according to doctors with the Colorado football team.

“You just have to understand what the risks are,” vascular surgeon Donald Jacobs told Sanders on “Thee Pregame.”

“Things can cascade.”

Jacobs also told Colorado athletic trainer Lauren Askevold that “he could lose the foot.”

Sanders, the new coach of the Colorado Buffaloes football team, has been dealing with issues with this foot for some time, including having to have his big toe and the toe next to it amputated due to blood clots running down his leg from the top of his calf.

Max Wohlauer, another vascular surgeon, told Sanders that the blood pressure measured near the left foot had been the same as the blood pressure in his arm a year ago, but is now at around 66% compared to the arm.

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