Adrenochrome - Cause Before Symptom

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With Your Host James Carner


Adrenochrome is chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. It was the subject of limited research from the 1950s through to the 1970s as a potential cause of schizophrenia. While it has no current medical application, the semicarbazide derivative, carbazochrome, is a hemostatic medication.

“We suspected it might be an hallucinogen because pink or deteriorated adrenaline was, and it resembled the few known hallucinogens like d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)” wrote Abram Hoffer, one of the original adrenochrome researchers in a 1990 article called “The Adrenochrome Hypothesis and Psychiatry,” adding that “schizophrenia arose in an individual when too much adrenochrome was formed, [therefore] adrenochrome then interfered with brain function as would LSD, and that created the essential stage for the formation of schizophrenia.”

Adrenochrome does have one medical use, as a form of it can be employed to staunch or block vascular bleeding. It’s not even hard to get, as it’s not illegal, and you can buy it in 25 or 250 mg doses to use in research.

The adrenochrome-as-super-hallucinogenic theory hit popular culture thanks to two influential books: “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” by Hunter S. Thompson, and Aldous Huxley’s “The Doors of Perception.”
Thompson’s book has a character describing it as making “pure mescaline seem like ginger beer” and harvest from “the adrenal glands of a living human being.” None of this has ever been demonstrated through scientific research, and it seems likely Thompson was making it up.

Huxley references Hoffer’s initial 1952 study (which has since been superseded by better information), calling adrenochrome “a product of the decomposition of adrenaline” and claiming it can “produce many of the symptoms of mescaline intoxication.”

Many debunkers think it’s just a rumor that hollywood drinks it. And the best way to discredit a conspiracy theory is to call it a conspiracy theory. The Adrenochrome saga available for public consumption is just that, a conspiracy theory. Much of what is available regarding Adrenochrome is pulp fiction, conspiracy theory nonsense, but by no means all of it. Conspiracy theorists have sewn together an impressive bouquet of circumstantial evidence that ties Adrenochrome in with Satanists, The Illuminati, luciferians, ritual human sacrifice, child abduction and so forth.

Basic Science Behind Adrenochrome

Adrenochrome is a naturally occurring chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones one of which is adrenaline, also known as epinephrine. Epinephrine is a common pharmacy item, [Such as in an "EPI-pen] purified active epinephrine is obtained from animal adrenal glands, while adrenochrome comes from humans. It is sometimes produced synthetically. Epinephrine is injected into the heart during heart attacks to stimulate cardiac activity. Adrenochrome is the same base chemical, that has been further oxidized [3]
Studies from the psychedelic era of the 60s and some earlier 1950s demonstrated that adrenochrome produced psychotic reactions, thought disorders and a detatchment from reality. Some researchers claimed that adrenochrome plays a role in schizophrenia and various mental disorders. In 'The Doors of Perception' [1962], Aldous Huxley mentioned the discovery and possible effects of adrenochrome which he likened to the symptoms of mescaline intoxication. Some subjects from the Hoffer Study [2013 - Effect of Adrenochrome and Adrenolutin on the behavior of animals and the psychology of Man ] compared it to psilocybin and LSD .

In A Clockwork Orange [1962] it is fleetingly mentioned as a cocktail additive.
Researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond in their "adrenochrome hypothesis", speculated that by reducing brain adrenochrome with megadoses of vitamin C and niacin they could cure schizophrenia. Although flaws in Hoffer's work on niacin were later reported and follow-up studies did not confirm any benefits of the treatment. These studies were largely discredited by the scientific community, either righteously or by design.

In a 1939 study [2], perfusion of adrenochrome was used to jump-start a frog’s heart, bringing the animal back from the dead and making adrenaline applications in heart attack patients standard of care to this day.

In a 1946 Belgian study [1], a perfusion of liquified adrenochrome to bring an intentionally frostbitten rabbit’s ear back to life, allowing doctors to restore vascularity and nerve stimulus response to previously necrotized tissue. The application of Adrenochrome restored nervous response to stimulus in the rabbit’s damaged skin. The findings led to the practice of applying adrenaline to incision sites, below sutures and stitches of surgical patients in order to hasten nerve regeneration and healing.

Adrenochrome Conspiracy

Come the 21st Century, circa 2015 and forward it has been speculated by conspiracy theorists that Adrenochrome is linked to child sex trafficking and ritual abuse of children, up to and including satanic human sacrifices. Adrenochrome secretion by the body is initiated by the release of adrenaline. A child undergoing torture as in a human sacrifice would naturally produce high levels of adrenaline. As per the conspiracy theory this is why luciferians and practitioners of black magic perform ritualized human sacrifices, keeping victims alive during the process.

As the claims go, adrenochrome in addition to being a coveted party drug also has incredible rejuvenative properties, only fleetingly documented by mainstream science. Rejuvenative as in anti-ageing, a fountain of youth extracted from the youngest humans. Survivors and witnesses [Alleged] to some of these Luciferian goings on state that the elitists take part in rituals in which they subject a person or multiple Individuals to unimaginable levels of pain and terror. A wine connoisseur will prefer a vintage wine, not so with adrenochrome connoisseurs, non-aged youth is preferable, they prefer torturing children as they consider them to produce a higher potency Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome extracted from children is also said to produce less of the morbid side effects associated with mass dosing of the adult version ... allegedly delusional psychosis and epileptic disorders. Juvenile adrenochrome they say, is chemically balanced in ways that reduced the side effects.

ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse

International Tribunal for Natural Justice

It is estimated that eight million children a year are abducted internationally and placed into a slavery that generally leads to death within a few years. Some become slaves some are tortured, and body parts are harvested for wicked and nefarious purposes. The evidence leads to the highest echelons of religious, commerce and government. The actual story has never been accurately documented but in recent years efforts have been made. See: Help END Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse

Hunter S. Thompson

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson is the most commonly cited example of Adrenochrome use in popular culture. Many readers assumed it was Thompsons reporting of real events, that the Adrenochrome fad was real, as much of his literature was, the assumption was that it was what people really did. He describes adrenochome as a powerful hallucinogenic in the book, which as per earlier research it was [1,2]. Supposedly adrenochrome, as per the cult following, is highly addictive and can only be obtained from the gland of a recently deceased or soon to be dead human victim.
While Thompsons' books were fiction, many believe they were based on real life experiences. He certainly was a freaky dude, and I shant hesitate to speculate a sick sinister bastard. In an interview on the Letterman show, durring which he appears to be in a sort of crazed stupor, he confessed that he liked killing.

A snuff film is a video of a person being raped and or killed and is generally sold on the dark web to warped wonders such as Hunter Thompson.

Russel Nelson claim that Thompson wasn’t fictionalizing or joking so far as his devious aversions. Nelson was the personal photographer of notorious pedophile Lawrence E. King jr.. He claimed that Thompson offered to pay him $100,000 to shoot a snuff film of a child. He claims to have turned the offer down, within a week of Hunter Thompsons' mysterious death he was arrested and his computers and cameras were seized.

The Case of Paul Bonacci

Paul Bonacci, a one time resident of Boys Town in Nebraska describes being abducted, flown from an Air Force Base in Omaha to Andrews A.F.B. in Washington DC, and forced to take part in bizarre orgies and rituals in Washington D.C. He was supposedly a victim of the Franklin child prostitution ring involving the aforementioned Lawrence King.
Elements of the Franklin case overflowed into what came to be known as the Washington “Call Boy” Scandal. The Washington Post, which at that time was a reputable news source called it “ The Bombshell That Didn’t Explode.”

Bonacci gave some some frightening testimony. He described ritual sex parties with the elitists of both political parties, George H.W. Bush being one of them. He claims to have been sodomized for hours by dozens of stoned adult men , and forced to engage in sex with other teens, both boys and girls. He also states that he was forced to kill another boy at the culmination of the ritual.

Another part of Bonacci’s testimony was an account of how he and another boy were transported to Las Vegas and forced to rape a third. A grown man ‘dressed in a executioners robe’ sodomized and shot the frightened little boy in the head at point blank range while being filmed. As per Bonacci Hunter Thompson was the director of the film.

In exchange for his testimony Bonacci was indicted on charges of perjury, never convicted. In 1999 he won a $1 million law-suit against Larry King , the presiding judge ruled Bonacci was truthful in his testimony, which included his claim that he was one of several young male prostitutes known to have toured the White House in the 80s. Bonacci passed multiple polygraph tests as part of an investigation that was eventually squashed by the FBI.

Another alleged victim of this Franklin scandal was Alisha Owens, who was sentenced to 25 years prison for refusing to tailor her story to suit the elites involved in the Franklin Scandal. She served four and a half years of that sentence.

Gary Caradori was an investigator hired by the Nebraska Legislature to investigate the Franklin scandal. He interviewed both Owens and Bonacci, as well as others.

Caradori was a trained Investigator and interviewer with law enforcement experience and a high degree of credibility. He died in a private airplane crash along with his young son. The crash was labeled 'suspicious' and his paperwork on the case was never located.

The story of Paul Bonacci, although horrific in it details, never mentions Adrenochrome per se, it does touch on some of the conspiracy theory rants surrounding the alleged elitist Adrenochrome cult. There are certainly elements of truth to the Bonacci story as well, but it is no smoking gun.

The Adrenochrome Witch

Supposedly P. Diddy aka Sean Combs authored a book "The Adrenochrome Witch". However, it is quite possible that he did not write it and his name may have been used in a scam. The book purported to be by Combs was posted on self-publishing platforms. It is said to be only seven pages long. Supposedly it was once sold on Barnes and Noble, if it was, all traces of it have been scrubbed. One place I was able to locate it are on a site called the nook @ $100 for a 7 page book ... Hmmm. It is also available on Google Play.

The prelude goes as follows

"Once upon a time in the land of Hollywood, many women came into acting careers, and were exposed to higher authorities who didn't know God, or accept the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts as their eternal Savior. Many of these women started off innocent, and had good intentions when they entered the world of Hollywood and the elite. These women were subjected to people thought they could have anything in life they wanted, because they felt they could purchase anything with money. One of the most coveted things many of these women wanted, was eternal youth."

The tale goes on to allude to Adrenochrome use as detailed earlier in this article.

Aztecs and Adrenochrome

James True in Blueprints of Mind Control speculates that the ancient Aztec elite were Adrenochrome addicts. The sacrificial practices certainly align with what has been claimed of Modern Day [alleged] adrenochrome addicts.

"Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. Blood addicts extract adrenochrome through torture and blood-letting. The psychological torture produces the chemical in the victim’s bloodstream and can be ingested. It is said to produce a feeling of intense euphoria and power. It becomes highly addictive and bonds the user’s brain to a new high threshold turning the user into an instant addict. This is what the Aztec were doing. In school they told us sacrifices were performed to help crops grow. They were actually doing it to get high. Not all Aztec bloodletting ritual were sacrificial. Bloodletting was common and even included children."

This blood was collected and baked into bread. The heart was considered the most potent. The adrenochrome was strongest when the heart was still alive. Deers, chickens, snakes, and even butterflies were farmed for adrenochrome. It comes from tears, too. The entire body excretes adrenalin. Tlaloc, the god of rain, would ask for the tears of children and they were sacrificed to him."

A113 Symbolism and Adrenochrome

The Alpha Numeric Sequence A113 has appeared in many Disney movies and just about every Pixar movie. It has appeared as a license plate number in Toy Story and other animations. The primary 'culprit' is an artist Brad Bird who stated "I put it into every single one of my films, including my Simpsons episodes—it's sort of my version of caricaturist Al Hirschfeld's 'Nina'." It also appears in Family Guy, South Park, American Dad, Doctor Who and at least 23 Pixar movies and other popular shows.

The claim spread on social media, is that A113 is a reference to Adrenochrome. There is however no proof of this. The defense made by Pixar and Brad Bird is that A113 refers to room A113 at the California Institute of the Arts, where many Pixar animators studied. Pixar's YouTube account posted a video in September 2010 which showed a picture of Pixar animators pointing at the number A113 on the classroom door.

At one time searching the term “A-113 chemical” on Google would bring up the Wikipedia page for adrenochrome, it doesn't anymore - Hmmm. There is no direct chemical link between “A113” and adrenochrome.


Whether human or animal, the blood sacrifice has long been a part of the rituals of many civilizations, past and present, here on Earth. From the Mayans to the Egyptians, the Jews to the Muslims, the Aztecs to the Chinese, the Zulu to the Greeks, virtually ALL civilizations have taken part in this ritual. But why? WHY do human beings feel that they can BENEFIT from the taking of another living creature’s life?

Some blood sacrifices are supposedly performed to gain favor in the eyes of some deity, thus “ensuring” a good harvest, good luck in the coming year or some other BULLSHIT like that. Some are done as punishment to those who have committed “evil”deeds, thus “restoring” the balance of good and evil in the universe. But I have discovered ANOTHER reason for the blood sacrifice: the extraction and collection of ADRENOCHROME.

What exactly IS adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. How is the chemical extracted? A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.

What makes adrenochrome so valuable? It has psychoactive properties and can be used as a mind control drug. It can also be consumed to give someone an “adrenaline high.” Who would want adrenochrome? Former U.S. Vice President AL GORE was once apprehended at an airport with a suitcase full of packets of his own adrenochrome-laden blood. According to ALEX JONES, ALAN WATT and FRITZ SPRINGMEIER, all high-level bureaucrats and V.I.P.’s carry around at least 2 pints of their own adrenochrome-laden blood at ALL times.

Aside from mind control and euphoric properties, what else can adrenochrome do? Some believe that consuming the blood of a living creature steals its “life force” and transfers it to the drinker. Aside from “vampires,” many cults [Satanic and otherwise] are known for drinking human blood [The “Illuminati” would rank high in that list].

Why would Satanic and Illuminist cults want to drink human blood? ENTER: The Reptilian Blood Legacy. Whether you call them aliens, Annunaki, Nephilim, Chitauri, Dracos, Nagas or otherwise, many believe that our planet has long been infiltrated and ruled by extraterrestrial / extradimensional   reptilian entities who manipulate global politics, business, banking, military and media.

Throughout history, we have seen numerous groups that have been dedicated to these reptilians: The Brotherhood Of The Snake, The Dragon Society, The Sons Of The Serpent, The Cult Of The Serpent, The Ophites, The Nergals, The Knights Of The Brazen Serpent, etc.

These reptilians, possibly from the Draco or Sirius star constellations, are believed to be able to shape-shift. This could be done at will or because it is difficult for them to hold their form in this dimension / planet / atmosphere. I personally believe that it is hard for them to hold their form and that the consumption of blood, specifically adrenochrome, somehow gives them power and aids them in maintaining their desired form. I believe that this has been the main reason for blood sacrifices throughout history; not only giving the blood directly to the reptilians, but also performing the blood sacrifices in homage to them.

Here’s the truth. Adrenochrome is used for schizophrenics. Academia debunks this quickly as being a bogus study. Patients who suffer from too much or too little activity of the thyroid or adrenal gland may be psychotic. A few patients with hyperthyroidism had schizophrenic features. Perhaps even more with hypo- thyroidism (Graves’ disease) were equally psychotic. We still see schizophrenics who become normal when their hyperactive, tumorous adrenal gland is removed.

Dr. A. Hoffer revisited it in 2009, and finding this information was really hard. The adrenochrome hypothesis accounts for the syndrome schizophrenia more accurately than do any of the competing hypotheses. The two main compet- ing hypotheses are superfluous since they are accommodated by the adrenochrome or more accurately the aminochrome hypothesis. In the research developed by Dr. H. Osmond and me this hypothesis has been very successful in giving direc- tion to our research which began about thirty years ago. It provides insight into the experiential world of our patients lead-

ing to several useful perceptual tests, i.e. the HOD test (Hoffer and Osmond, 1961; Hoffer, Kelm and Osmond, 1975), and the EWI test (El Meligi and Osmond, 1970). It helped originate the use of large doses of Vitamin B3 for treating schizophrenia patients and for alleviating the symptoms created by LSD. It also predicted the therapeutic use of ascorbic acid, again in large doses. Both these vitamins are important components in orthomolecular treatment as applied to schizophrenics. Finally it helped point to the catechol- amines as significant factors in the etiol- ogy of schizophrenia.

Unfortunately the many leads developed by the adrenochrome hypothesis have been neglected by research institutions for a number of reasons. The critical and hostile attitude of the professional associations and granting agencies dis- couraged scientists from entering this difficult but challenging field. Fortunately the climate of opinion is changing. I expect that for the next decade the ami- nochrome hypothesis will receive more careful attention.

A. Hoffer,

For about one hundred years theories of schizophrenia have oscillated between physical or biochemical hypotheses on the one side and psychosocial hypotheses on the other side of the spectrum. The change in points of view over the years depended upon the sophistication of the various scientists and also upon the fash- ion of the era. This dichotomy is probably false since every factor which shapes the development of personality must also play a role in both the development of and in the recovery from schizophrenia.

Early biochemical hypotheses were simple and were more properly medical guesses. Physicians favoring this view accepted it as a disease and looked for the same factors which played a role in shaping other diseases. These included stress, infection, nutrition, trauma and so on. Physicians using pathology, physiology and bacteriology had been successful in developing treatments for a large number of diseases; naturally they would try simi- lar techniques in searching for the cause of schizophrenia.

Psychosocial theories did not exist. I exclude the theory of demonic posses- sion as this has never been considered a scientific hypothesis. Psychosocial theories arose from psychoanalysis especially after Freud described the Schreber case, the case of a paranoid judge, but few physicians were a-ware of this until psychoanalysis began to flower about thirty years ago.

Every factor ever found to cause disease has been examined as a cause of schizophrenia. Psychiatrists have never been persuaded of the truth of the hypothesis. It was, in fact, found that hormones which were clearly related to diseases such as Addison’s and thyroid states also had schizophrenia. This soon led to our adrenochrome hypothesis which Osmond and I presented first in 1952 to the Dementia Praecox Committee of the Scottish Rites Masons at the Canadian suite in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York. Osmond and I can still remember the prophetic advice given us by a very eminent elderly scientist. He wished us good luck and then warned us to expect a tremendous amount of opposition. The adrenochrome hypothesis was published in 1954 by Hoffer, Osmond and Smythies.

This is the clue. In 1954, both doctors presented their theory that every disease is related to schizophrenia meaning their own alter persona created the disease. This haunted the freemasons as they were at that time working on the germ theory. It turns out that adrenochrome isn’t just a drug for the elite, but a supernatural elixer that passes on generational curses from the blood. Those that drink the adrenochrome get high and take on demonic power from the former bloodline of the victims. This power also comes with demons that create the diseases.

After their findings, they were dismissed in academia and even through they reexamined the conclusion in 2009 proven right all along, they again were dismissed as pseudoscience instead of science. Adrenochrome chemically stablizes schizophrenics. The mk ultra victims need adrenomchrome to keep their personas alive. This would explain the meltdowns that celebrities have. When they run out of adrenochrome, their split personalities fall back into the void while the real person comes forward. Adrenochrome is the substance that causes split personalities and are given to victims on the beginning stages of mind control.

The adrenochrome hypothesis can be described biochemically by a series of reactions as follows: a) Noradrenaline + methyl --> adrenaline b) Adrenaline+oxygen --> adrenochrome c) Adrenochrome --> leukoadrenochrome\> adrenolutin. We suggested that any reaction which diverted adrenochrome into adrenolutin rather than into leukoadrenochrome would cause or aggravate schizophrenia.

When adrenochrome became public a few years ago, the Jesuits spread the rumor of Hillary drinking it. This threw off the conspiracy theorists as they started to dive into the hallucination drug instead of the demonic schizophrenia drug. Their campaign was a success because no one talks about adrenochrome as a multi-personality drug using witchraft to add demonic entities as personas. The hallucinations of the LSD like drug opens a portal for the demonic to enter freely and they are the split personalities. DID or Disassociation Disorder is the new phrase adademia uses to redirect from personaltiies which are demonic.

The claim “Adrenochrome is made with the blood extracted from the brain (Pineal?) of children that have been terrified and murdered. It is the most expensive drug on the planet and gives youth to the user. How many of our children had to die so that these monsters could look good for a photo!! Many have been executed, many will die from the synthetic tainted batch that they bought from Wuhan, withdrawals and executions should take care of the rest of them!” is still a rumor. We have no idea where this came from or what it entails.

Modern science can syntehsis this drugs and manufactuer it without creating such horrific rituals. I do believe they have perfected it and use it to control their victims’ demons to do their will.

According to a blogger - I can’t confirm or deny

It's about time the world got informed about the elites preferred drug of choice and its disturbing torturous methods of production. Adrenochrome, a chemical known by "modern science" since at least the 1930's, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3. For the purpose of this summary we are primarily focusing on the natural version of adrenochrome and not the synthetic equivalent, as the elites use the most addictive and expensive stuff.

To put this in laymens terms adrenochrome is the adrenalized blood that is harvested when a human is abused and tortured (sometimes to death). The use of extreme sexual torture, satanically ritualized sodomy and violent rape of children in nightmarish demon-god sex rituals specifically designed to create maximum terror in a child’s body, to overload their blood with adrenochrome prior to extraction. The blood must be harvested quickly by puncturing their skull with a hypodermic needle right in the center of their forehead where the third eye/pineal gland is located. Younger children are preferred for these satanic rituals because their pineal glands are only minimally calcified by the fluoride in our water and toxins in our food/environment.

The molecule is in the shape of a rabbit. These global elites and celebrities take the adrenochrome for its psychoactive effects including euphoria, greater health, increased vivacity, change in train of thought and lack of judgment. Just as there are benefits for any drug there are withdrawals too. We are witnessing many of these elites suffer from adrenochrome withdrawal during the COVID-19-AI-NWO-plandemic-scamdemic. We can identify they are suffering from adrenochrome withdrawal as the symptoms include reversing positive effects, schizophrenia, sever physical / mental / emotional damage and accelerated aging (e.g. Courteney Cox).

It was reported that all of the adrenochrome production facilities have been shutdown as part of the White Hat Military Alliance draining the deep state Luciferian Fascist Zionist Freemasonic Jesuit Illuminati swamp. However, before they were shutdown the last supply was purposefully tainted with a HIV version of COVID-19 to act as a marker for those elites involved in crimes against humanity. The following image differentiates the SARS versus HIV strain of COIVD-19 and the possible outcomes for either scenario.

Google Patents search yielded over 4,200 results containing "adrenochrome" at the initial writing of this article stemming as far back as 1944, although since updating in early 2023 only 3,500 results remained, followed by only 2,500 results by the end of 2023. Hmm seems like patents are being revoked and erased pertaining to adrenochrome? 3M has an expired adrenochrome patent, US4501923A "Process for preparing adrenochrome" and a Korean company holds a similar patent that is still validated, KR880001026B1 "Process for preparing adrenochrome."

One of the oldest notable adrenochrome patents "US2581850A Adrenochrome Compositions" was filed in 1948 by International Hormones Inc. and granted in 1952. The New York Department of State confirmed the company was dissolved by proclamation or annulment on December 23, 1992.

CYM Caring Corp internal documents surfaced online on multiple occasions and the companies online presence seems to have dissipated in light of what the documents entail. The corporation boasts about having the purest natural adrenochrome and refers to their purchased and enslaved children in their "detention centers" as "items." Below details some commentary from their since deleted Gab profile and some pricing documentation relating to the cost of their adrenochrome per 100mg dependent on quality grade.

As seen in the above documents and following since deleted Gab profile the company conveniently rented an office at the Trump Tower (725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States Of America, Office 292) to make it seems as if Trump is somehow affiliated with adrenochrome.

Cheddar Pringles cans at one point in time also had an alphanumeric code on the bottom of the can that when searched on redirects to adrenochrome listings as seen in the following video. The pedophiliac corporations intentionally use cheese and pizza themed items (in relation to PizzaGate) like this to help their blood drinking Luciferian clientele easily find sources of adrenochrome.

The reason Hollywood boycotted and blacklisted Mel Gibson so hard since 2006 is because he has openly come out as a truth speaking patriot on many occasions. This has earned him the highly sought after truther labels used by globalist funded fact-checkers/shills, "Anti-Semite" and "Anti-Semitic." This terminology was invented by the Ashkenazi Khazarian fake Jewish bloodline to discredit and disregard anyone who exposes their Luciferian pedophiliac NWO agenda and history.

The red shoes worn by members of the Red Shoe Club are often made from the human flesh of murdered and sacrificed children, for example Jesuit Pope Pius VII's Papal shoes. These red shoes are worn during Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) ceremonies, so when blood falls on their shoes it blends in and does not expose them. The shoes are also symbolic of adrenochrome, cannibalism and blood dripping down the body of tortured children just before falling off their feet.

The Freemasonic Jesuit Cabal has even instilled the symbolism of harvesting adrenochrome and loosh (negative spiritual energy) throughout children's movies, like Monsters, Inc. for example. In the movie we see various types of "monsters" which in realty are actually variations of the overlord reptilian and archon species. To put it plainly, the reptilian species require either stem cell rich blood or adrenochrome (especially in Vril Lizard Reptilian parasite cases) and the archons require our negative low vibrational spiritual energies as their preferential source of energy consumption. Notice in the movie the "scream" cannisters fill up red which is symbolic of adrenochrome and the scream harvesting is symbolic of low vibrational spiritual energies being harvested. In addition, the movie logo itself represents the "all-seeing eye" or "third eye" or "pineal gland" or "Eye of Ra" which is where the adrenochrome is harvested from, after torturing the children and where the soul is believed to sit until a certain level of vibrational ascension.

The Human Meat Project website about page explains they are a human meat donation program endorsing cannibalism to solve overpopulation. They claim overpopulation causes "climate change" and the greenhouse effect due to the mass farming of livestock animals in order to feed the masses. Even though their terms and conditions page claims the entire website is merely a conceptual art project, is it really considering they are blatantly promoting cannibalism which just ain't right.

Artificial flavor enhancers containing aborted Human Embryonic Kidney fetal cells (HEK293) were first patented in 2001 by Senomyx (acquired by Firmenich in 2018). HEK293 is most commonly used for the production of biotherapeutics, vaccines and hidden in beverages/processed foods under the secretive "natural flavors" ingredient.

All of it falls on the satanic calendar.

Lolita sex doll slave toys are made from trafficked prepubescent girls for the purpose of sadistic pleasure such as Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). The girls are put through extreme torture grooming including being stitched up, blinding by lasers, continual rape, ear deafening, electrocution, hot wax burning, limb amputation, teeth removal and vocal cords removal. This immobilization and sensory deprivation process makes the girls mentally and physically submissive to their owners while preventing them from ever being able to get help or run away.

Panda eyes or raccoon eyes are Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) pedophile codes/signifiers of child sodomy. Due to the blunt force trauma during sodomization or rectal torture the eyes can severely bruise and swell up with black circles (periorbital ecchymosis/hematoma) creating the "panda eyes" effect.

On December 23, 2022 Cam Capone News released an interview with former child actor Orlando Brown where he confirmed the panda eyes occurrence, even in grown rappers like Blueface. Back in his younger days he appeared on The Jamie Foxx Show Season 2 Episode 20 with panda eyes himself as seen in the collage. He goes on to speak about a child trafficking system of missing children showcased in plain sight by Target and Wal-Mart organized by Jeffrey Epstein.

In the following example we have Hillary Clinton refer to a bottle of hot sauce she carries around everywhere with her in her purse and then the Masonic talk show hosts shill for her to make a mockery of the whole situation.

In conclusion

We can’t confirm or deny of of the rumors above, but one thing is true. The relationship to scizophrenia and adrenochrome cannot be ignored. It was quickly covered up and placed as a hallucinigen instead of a mind control drug that the elite uses on celebrities to keep them in check. When they go off script, they are cut off and this creates chaos and ugliness until they are back on it.

sources: Author: Richard Rajotte
Online conspiracies link Pixar’s use of the number A113 with adrenochrome

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