My stalker ML

2 months ago

It is so sad how she gaslights her own child on social media. if you scroll down some you'll see that I had showed proof the she was gas, lighting her own kids long before her daughter ever went on social media to clarify her situation with her mother. And it has time stamps.

On my substack account. I also have recording last year. Her gas lighting her own children on social media and also spreading rumors about her kids being human traffic.

So anything she's putting down is not new, It is old.
She leaves for a little while, maybe a month or 2. And then she comes back with the same bullshit. she acts like oh this just happened.

She thinks cause time passed. And people have forgotten that nobody would realize that these videos. We're up because of the videos. She's done a long time ago.

If you keep an eye out and pay attention, you'll see how she continues deleting after she thinks she got something on somebody and she's ready for court. doesn't that seem like somebody who's just setting someone up??

Let me know what you think a narcissist actually is.

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