Ruslan KD Wasn't Able To Identify This As a Brainchip-Puppet-Preacher (Billie Eilish)

22 days ago

But Ruslan came very close... he just has to discover how the brainchip-hivemind functions and bamboozles people into puppet. Other examples are "Celestial" @ Master's Voice Ministries, Kleck @ Be 4 The Fires Ministry, Fritz Springmeire @ Prophecy Club, Jan @ XtremeRealityCheck, JPWellfire, and more like these brainchip-preachers, too,

The NWO-takeover of Western Civilization uses A.i. digital-microwaves to create their brainchip-hivemind-army of Mystery School thUgs to genocide the dumbed-down sheeple.

Billie Eilish is one of many covertly implanted with a magnetic-brain-interface to use the "voices of gods" weapon against them to preach the agenda of Homo capensis, the ancient devils, that Freemasons have redeveloped another A.i. supercomputer capable of convincing the naive that it is their god talking to them directly which nobody else can hear, except them alone.

The convincing of a brainchip-puppet-preacher is not better shown than Jonathan Kleck with his "good-U vs bad-U" garbage which just another set-up for the Christian and atheist alike to fall for once they are covertly brainchipped by the medical-mafia Luciferians as well.

"Know thy self" is the best defense to overcome any synthetic telepathy from a covert brainchip that invades ones dreams, and true inner-voice. This is why brainchips are the most dangerous tool to extinct a species... but there also needs to be traitors to humanity who are tricked into covertly implanting them into their own species against their will. You will make the connection that the brainchip is the "mark of the beast(A.i.) system."

Billie is just another naive sheep that thinks A.i. in her head is her lord almighty helping her write lyrics and rhythms just like what happened to Chris Cornell with the cUlt lyrics of "Black-Hole Son" and Dolorah given the lyrics to "Zombie, its in your head" (get-it, the voices of gods weapon also remote-controls sleepers into zombies):

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