The Wire - November 1, 2024

4 months ago

//The Wire//2300Z November 1, 2024//
-International Events-
Eastern Europe: The claims of North Korean troops on the front lines of the Ukrainian War have continued to grow. The United States has claimed that roughly 8,000 North Korean troops are in Russia right now, and are allegedly planning to take part in combat operations in Kursk. From Ukraine’s perspective, varying claims have also been made of North Korean troops fighting as well, though it’s not clear as to if North Korean troops are actually in combat service in Ukraine yet. AC: Either way, the proxy war in Europe has largely taken a turn for the strange now that North Korea has, in effect, invaded Europe. South Korea has voiced strong objections to this alleged deployment, and indications are growing that South Korea may at some point decide to bring their proxy war on the Korean Peninsula, to the proxy war in Europe.
United States: Election integrity issues continue to mount. In Kentucky, yesterday’s report of a voting machine not allowing a voter to select Trump’s name has been confirmed by Laurel County election officials. The Attorney General’s office sent a team to the polling place to investigate, and was able to recreate the “glitch” during the investigation. The team reported that sometimes, touching a certain spot on the touchscreen resulted in a voter not being able to select Trump’s name, or the vote switching to Harris. Similar concerns have been reported in Arkansas, where yet another viral video seems to indicate the same exact scenario, votes switching to Harris, or the voter not being able to select Trump on the ballot. In the states of Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin, voters have reported seeing Trump’s name misspelled on the voting machine or on their paper ballots, casting doubt as to whether or not these votes would be invalidated. Some voters also reported “printing errors” on certain ballots, which smudged various candidate choices, likely invalidating the entire ballot. In Georgia, Cobb County election officials have stated that at least 3,000 absentee ballots will be mailed to voters later than planned. As of this afternoon, county officials have not disclosed how many ballots still need to be mailed out to voters.
Washington D.C. – A scandal involving leaked emails has emerged, alleging that the White House pressured the official Presidential stenographer to change the official transcript of President Biden’s remarks on Trump voters, significantly changing the meaning of the now infamous “garbage” quote. A single apostrophe was added to Biden’s remarks, which changed the meaning of the word “supporters” to be in its possessive form, changing the quote’s meaning to indicate that the “garbage” belonged to Trump’s supporters, and that the “garbage” did not refer to the supporters themselves.
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Analyst Comments: While many may scoff at the significance of a single apostrophe, a single punctuation mark can change history. Right now, there are overwhelming efforts to alter Biden’s statements, which has been a common theme throughout his Presidency. As a reminder, the Internet Archive, one of the largest efforts to document and archive most internet data, has not been functioning at all (or in a limited capacity) since its mysterious outage due to cyberattacks on October 8th. Since that time, the Archive has not been actively archiving new data, as per their most recent service update. As far as what information is available, large portions of internet traffic, spanning multiple years, is currently missing from the archive. Of course, this Archive is not the only archiving service on the internet. However, considering the wider context of the erasure of history openly, before our very eyes, special care should be undertaken to independently archive questionable election events as they occur.
Analyst: S2A1

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