How Gabe The Nutritionist Helps You Optimize Your Health, Diet, and Nutrition #type2diabetesreversal

4 months ago

Are you one of the 8.7 million Americans who have Type 2 Diabetes but don’t know it? Or maybe you’re prediabetic and need to stay in control without waiting for a doctor’s appointment or paying for insurance?

🔥 Introducing the A1CNow Self Check! 🔥
This affordable, at-home A1C test gives you accurate results in just 5 minutes! With clear instructions, you can test confidently without the lab, at around $65 from Amazon.

Grab the A1CNow Self Check here!

📊 What’s Your A1C Result?

Below 5.7? Great! Keep those healthy habits up.
5.7 to 6.4? That’s prediabetes—it’s time to make changes!
Over 6.5? This is Type 2 Diabetes territory, and it’s crucial to take action.
Left unchecked, Type 2 Diabetes can lead to heart disease, Alzheimer’s, neuropathy, and more. But the good news? You have the power to change this!

💡 Type 2 Diabetes Costs Big—But It Doesn’t Have To!
Leaving diabetes unchecked can lead to costly diseases like heart disease ($30K+/year), Alzheimer’s (over $50K/year), and neuropathy (up to $10K/year). Why not save thousands of dollars by taking preventive action today?

👨‍⚕️ Meet Gabe the Nutritionist:
With the right guidance, you can lower your A1C, save money, and improve your health. Gabe the Nutritionist can help you make realistic, sustainable changes to put Type 2 Diabetes into remission. You’ll save time, avoid expensive treatments, and build the confidence to seize life’s opportunities with a healthier you!

If your A1C is high, don’t wait to take control of your health. Book a personalized consultation with Gabe the Nutritionist for diet and lifestyle changes that can put Type 2 Diabetes into remission.
Transform your life! Click to schedule now!
Book Your Consultation

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#DiabetesAwareness #DiabetesReversal #A1CTest #HomeHealth #Type2DiabetesPrevention #GabetheNutritionist #TakeControl #A1C #PreventDiabetes #DiabetesHelp #DiabetesSupport #Prediabetes #Prediabetic #HealthJourney #DiabetesDiet #newstartnutritionconsulting #DiabetesAwareness #DiabetesReversal #SaveMoney #A1CTest #HomeHealth #Type2DiabetesPrevention #GabetheNutritionist #TakeControl #A1C #DiabetesDiet #PreventDiabetes #HealthJourney #DiabetesHelp #HealthyLifestyle #HealthConfidence

Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor or a Dietician. I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Nutrition Researcher. Therefore, I legally do not Treat, Diagnose, Prevent, or Cure people. My advice is to not be construed as such and is my opinion. I educate people on the following topics above. My advice is best tailored to my clients. If you are not my client then any advice given should be discussed with your professional healthcare provider.

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