Rising in Love || The Song of Life || New Moon & Portal Update

3 months ago

Within this portal 31st - 2nd Nov, the veil is thinner it allows for energies to connect with us much easier but also this portal is allowing for cycles to be closed down.. Clare share more about this portal in a continuation from yesterdays video - Energy Update || Message from Divine Mother || The thinning of the Veil. https://youtu.be/2WJWe0PICU0?si=reU2GJi9o35oj0b6

Clare also shares an interesting A.U.R.A session in which the client find herself in Ancient Egypt before the Pyramids were built at the Centre of the World. Heliopolis were her client saw the birthing of God/ goddesses such as Osiris and Isis in their Dragon/ serpentine form assist the shadow lands before humans were birthed into Earth. Followed by witnessing the cleansing of Mother Earths song of life, and then followed by the cleansing of the clients song of life..
Have you felt, heard, saw the energy of your song of life? It's profound !! This is ancient wisdom remembered through Quantum Regression!

Archangel Michael shares the importance of magical aspects of a soul being birthed on the earthly plain before the next phase of the birthing process more in the physical.
This also links to the birthing of new source/angel babies being birthed in the now times...

Clare alsoshares some information about Heliopolis found in the books below.
-The Power of Centre by Gary Biltcliffe & Caroline Hoare
- Egyptian Mythology by Gary j.Shaw

#songoflife #collectiveupdate #ancientwisdom

My infinite love Clare

Clare & Jeffrey are A.U.R.A, R.A.A.H & Quantum Galactic Akashic Practitioners, working both online and in -person.
They also offer sound baths, group A.U.R.A Sessions from Nottinghamshire, UK and online. To book a session with them follow the links below..

Clare & Jeffrey - Circle of Light Healer
Website : https://www.circleoflighthealer.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KrystoSophiaCircleofLight
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystosophiacircleoflight/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/circleoflighthealer/
Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@spiritual.aura.144?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
AURA practitioner website : https://aurapractitioners.com/members/clarecirleoflight/
Patreon - https://patreon.com/user?u=48071685&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

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