Ziontology 11. ‘Building a House on a Volcano’ - The Hebron Massacre

3 months ago

Hillel Cohen refers to 1929 as Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict. He goes so far as to state that ‘it is impossible to understand Jewish-Arab relations in the Land of Israel–Palestine without understanding the events of 1929.’


Palestinians: Do you know about the 1929 Hebron massacre?, Ask and Israeli/Asl a Palestinian Project:

One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate, by Tom Segev: http://tinyurl.com/527xn4sf

Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1929, by Hillel Cohen: https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/book/year-zero-of-the-arab-israeli-conflict-1929

Seeing the Light: Holy Land, August 1929, by Vincent Sheean:

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