ALERT! November 6th Begins The Long Pause | 40K FootView with JMC Ep. 25

4 months ago

ALERT! November 6th Begins The Long Pause – Extreme Danger For

Jovan warns the election outcome will be worse than 2020 - 76 days of extreme danger

- During the “long pause” before valid certification - All hell will break loose when Harris moves into office

- The administration will try to come after the 2nd amendment and may trigger martial law to control MAGA

- President Trump will “legitimately” win and the left is fully prepared to unleash their minions to commit acts of violence against Americans and our cities

- The needle has not moved since 2020 in fact worse

- President Trump asked advice from Jovan on how he won in 2016 and what
needs to be done to fix the system

- 8-10 million more illegal aliens entered into the voter rolls

- The most dangerous voters we have outside of illegal voters are those that won’t vote because they think their vote won’t count

- If we lose this election it’s time to start learning Mandarin

- Jovan discusses Maricopa County

- Jovan provides advice to all American citizens when going to the precincts

- Disagrees with Trump on early voting and explains why

- 50-50 at best do not trust any of the polls – get out and vote

- The rig was not due to the computers Jovan explains why

- A psyop was deployed to have us focus on the computers, dominion etc. when the theft was in the paper

- Jovan explains why every court rejected the computer theft law suits

- What you see on TV vote tabulation is not the vote count

- Understanding the decent decree

- Our voting guidelines are 100% voluntary! Election commission assistance –
staffed by high school and college students – what is it how it works

- Overwhelm the system vote and get many others to vote we can make history or become history

- Donald J. Trump is protected by God – God is not finished with America

- Become self-sufficient back to basics – Food Forest Bible – Feed Your Family – It’s Biblical

NOTICE: Many frauds weigh in as me (JMC). I NEVER promote or sell any QFS, Crypto, wallets etc. These people are reported as fraud and are banned but new ones crop up every week.

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