Naomi Wolf on geopolitical implications of COVID vaccines

4 months ago

"Let's also look at the geopolitics. We think of Pfizer and BioNTech as German companies, but they're actually, BioNTech, which makes the vaccine, is a German-Chinese company. And they created an MOU, a Memorandum of Understanding, in 2021, for China, the Chinese Communist Party are enemies, to produce a billion doses of this vaccine, not for internal use."

"The Chinese use a different kind of vaccine together. This is for export. And China opened 14 manufacturing plants in Western Europe, two, now 11, in the United States. And in 2021, the SEC filing also shows the IP for the vaccine got transferred to China. All right? So what this means is that our manufacture, packaging, distribution, injection, directions for injection of this vaccine is completely in the hands of our existential adversary."

"And just my... husband who spent his career in Intel, points out the Chinese Communist Party, they want our land, they want our food supplies, they want our water supplies, they want our energy grid, they don't want our population. And that's what's happening. The native-born, I mean, I'm not a nativist, but Americans, right, were mandated. Who got mandated? Now I'm using my political analyst hat, right? Not science, it's politics."

"Who got mandated? Our teachers are... Doctors, our nurses, our college students, the future, right, our military, the people you need in order to have a healthy society going into the future, they got forced, the firefighters, right, the first responders, they were mandated. They're the ones getting sick or struggling with fertility, dropping dead, right, on the playing fields. The people coming in over the border, now 18 to 30 million of them, are not being mandated."

"And these are disproportionately childbearing age and military age younger men and women. So as Ed Dowd, the former BlackRock hedge fund manager, said, just wait five years. You're going to have people who remember what a constitutional republic is, sick and dying. And you're going to have people who come from the most tyrannical regimes or no rule of law failed states who don't have that consciousness as the kind of healthy population."

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