Casey Means on how too many vaccines might be causing autism

3 months ago

"Like with vaccines, like, yeah, I bet that one vaccine probably isn't causing autism. But what about the 20 that they're getting before 18 months? Like, we don't look at it in synergistic, you know? And so that's a big problem."

"And this is where the cult of the science, and I say the science specifically because science is beautiful. Using the scientific method and using that way of inquiry into the natural world is a beautiful art. But weaponizing papers that are often bought for or corrupted."

"And the leaders of some of our key medical journals have actually even said that 50% of scientific research that published ends up being wrong. So it's bought for, corrupted, or wrong. We rely on this. And if, one interesting trend that we're seeing in our world is that if we do choose to put dots together or use our intuition, are God given intuition?"

"Anything other than this particular way of examining things, you are dangerous. You are dangerous. And I think that that's something we need to really question. I think, especially as a woman, and I'm thinking about having kids soon, I'm thinking about, wow, I have the ability in my body to build a human, 3D print a human, pull in a soul to that human."

"I don't need a peer-reviewed study or a textbook to tell me how to do that. Our body and our intuition and our minds and the subtle things happening inside us are important. They are incredible. We have now been told that like you can't trust it and you are dangerous if you do that."

"And I think that's one of the reasons why I think parents are very frustrated right now is because parenting, I'm not a parent yet, but you know, Calley is, but like, you know, when we're being told now that parents are the enemy for using their own judgment about their families and kids, I think that's probably, it's deeply frustrating to people. And that's basically what we're being asked to do."

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