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His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - 08-21-2024 - Captions
Julie Green and Dave Scarlett discuss the chaos and division within the Democratic Party, particularly focusing on the DNC convention and the potential downfall of Kamala Harris. They also touch on the issues of fake polls, election fraud, and ties to China within the government. Julie also mentions a prophecy she received about skeletons in Kamala's closet coming to light, indicating potential scandals that could impact her. Additionally, they discuss the possibility of an event that could shake the world before the 2024 election, as well as the potential exposure of corrupt judges and government officials.
Julie and Dave also discuss various prophecies and predictions about the current political climate and future events. They talk about the exposure of corrupt politicians, the presence of terrorist cells in the United States, and the potential for a major attack. They also express hope and faith in God's ultimate victory over the forces of corruption and evil. Overall, they convey a message of perseverance and trust in God's plan for the future.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 08-21-2024, and may be watched here: 👉
Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe
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Psalm ninety-one, he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress. My God in him I will trust. Surely he shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you wit h his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of th e terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walks in darkness nor the destruction that lays waste at noon day. A thousand may fall at your side and 10000 at your right han d but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place. No evil shall befall you nor shall any plague coming near you, your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up. Lest you dash your foot against the stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent who shall tramp foot because he has set his love upon me. Therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known my name. He shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life, I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. I'm Major General Paul Vali US Limited retired and chairman of the Stand Up America US Foundation. I want to do a great shout out today for his drawing ministries and Pastor Dave Scarlett. Uh we've so much enjoyed doing his shows over the last couple of years and getting the word out to the American people as best we can. They did a great job. We're behind you 100%. Anything you need, we're here for you. And we want to welcome all of His Glory Nation from east to west to north to south. We have a little bit of technical difficulties so bear with us as I am not seeing anything right now. But today is Wednesdays with Julie Green. We'll be right with with Julie. First a couple updates. Kingdom Store. Get your Kingdom Fuel. Uh buy two of the Kingdom Fuel get one free chocolate. Uh incredible. Full meal replacement. Uh absolutely amazing stuff. 25 vitamins and minerals in each one. Uh outstanding stuff just to get our bodies, our temples ready to go. Seek Jesus company, high-quality Christian apparel, a portion of all sales are donated towards several missions. Visit our partner page and His Glory 20 to get 20% off your order. Also, the Witness Challenge Bundle helped to spread the gospel from east to west to north to south. Be fully prepared to bring the light of the lord into many lives with our witness cards and challenge coins. These are really cool. You can get these at His Glory at the shop also rebuilding and restoring America on October 5th event join us here on Mount Pleasant Texas with music prayers and more it's going to be a great event every time we have one of these events the the the Eagle Show Up I always said the other day we had three Eagles show up over the ranch and amazing thing God is working for such a time as this alright don't forget to silver and gold our partnership at Beverly Hills Precious Metal I heard a report today we'll talk about with Julie Ann on the War Report today. There's a new technology coming out and with this new technology with wireless phones, silver demand is going to go through the chart, off the chart. So, silver and gold, especially silver, is going to rock it off here real soon. Alright, that's it for now. Let's bring on Julie Green even though I can't see Julie. Hi, I can see you though. So, I just want to let you know that. Alright, we're going to improvise, adapt, and overcome until they figure it out. I'm looking at a lion. This Nothing bad with a lion though. I love a lion. So what's new Julie? Well there's a lot that's happened since I've been on vacation apparently. I mean good gracious. I've been I mean I was on live Monday and Tuesday this week because I actually extended our vacation because we got rained out for the first three or four days we were there. So my husband and I decided to stay a little bit longer but I was still keeping up with things. I was still hearing prophetic words and I cannot wait to give you the prophetic words that God has given. Uh since I've been on last it's been two weeks and there's been a lot going on and I just want to give people an encouragement. Do not just follow and just think that the whatever's going on in DNC, they're all united. Everything is fine. Everything is going the way they want it to go because God's going to start throwing some wrenches in in this campaign that they have and it's not going to keep staying the way it's staying right now so. Yeah, it's very fascinating what's going on here. So, why don't we start with the prophetic word while there trying to get my video. Okay. This one is from August 8th and I know I hadn't given it on here yet because I was doing these. I was pre-recording these while I was getting ready to leave to go on vacation and so it was after I was actually on with you. Um this one is called A Great Divide in Washington. So right now it looks like the establishment. They're all you know behind Kamala. They got rid of the Biden which God said they were going to and everything was going to be okay. You know they think but God said they don't even want Kamala either. So let's just see what this great division is all about. But one of the things it says is the jackal is howling in your White House. He is injured but others will join him to fight against the ravenous wolves on the other side. They're in survival mode and they are willing to do anything to survive this catastrophic failure and the destruction of this establishment. The wolves and the jackals will devour one another while the world watches. So God was been talking about going to try to destroy they don't mean to but they're going to actually be the ones destroying each other because they're not in unison. They're not united on exactly who should be running this show and who should be going forward with being in this even in this campaign with this election. Uh so things are not done with what's going on in Washington. And then it says I told you before a civil war and a great divide in Washington is growing. It has grown to new levels of Deception. They do not care who they backstabbed to say themselves. Many people in the establishment in your capital are making deals to hide their own secrets while exposing other secrets so they can destroy the ones on the other side of this great divide. They will continue to try to push their agendas in their direction. Their establishment should go to take back my take my David out in this country the rest of the way. But they are not in agreement with the plan made by the puppet masters because others think they have a better plan and their voices not being heard. So you have the Biden camp. You have the Kamala camp. You have the Obama camp. You have people standing up for Israel. You have people standing against Israel. You I mean you have divisions everywhere you're looking right now. And so basically there are some it looks like they're still behind Obama. But there are people that are against Obama. They're against Hillary. They're against the Nancy Pelosi and the Chuck Schremers. Um but again the DNC they're making where it looks really good but really it really it's not. You see the chaos in the streets outside the DNC Convention right now. What they're doing against cops. What they're doing against our American flag against the Irali flag. I mean these people they brought here to bring chaos to the Republican Party or chaos in the streets is actually being more chaos toward the Democratic Party and toward the establishment than they originally thought and so it's going to be a bigger mess on their hands than what we're seeing right now in DC. Well, we're. I'm sorry. We're seeing now in Chicago. There's reports of exactly what you're just saying this morning about the the law the Chicago police to start doing their job. They're cracking down on some of the pro Palestine and Antifa and they were fighting against each other. It was getting out of hand and I also told from people that are on on the ground. They're incognito so to speak. Uh the Republicans that reporters at this Democrat convention and they're saying exactly what you said that there they are not divided it is tension chaotic even Obama's when they spoke last night it it wasn't unification of the party it came across this angry and Bernie was angry and everybody's angry lot of anger everybody is angry you know why is because Kamala was never their pick they never wanted her and I think they were forced to do her right before this convention because they had didn't have any other choice but her at the time it looked like but everybody's like you know and I'll and I'll get to these more properties later because there's a lot of them here that I'm going to get to but a lot of people think because she you know was nominated last night and everything's going to go this direction but God keeps saying unconventional unprecedented and they're going to oust her too because they're going to realize just like with Biden she's not going to be the candidate they need to get them over the top to defeat President Trump and so when they start realizing that she defeat Trump. They will take desperate measures, any measure they can. Remember, they don't follow electoral laws. They don't follow any law whatsoever in this country and so just like what they did was Biden. I mean, this DNC has already been unprecedented. Yeah. You have them getting rid of the person who won the primary. You have them making him do his conceding speech and forced speech at like ten or eleven o'clock at night think it was like 11 o'clock Central or 12 o'clock Eastern whatever it was or 10 I heard it was midnight it's ridiculous and then all of a sudden he takes off right after this and he goes and heads to California so you have the DNC right now without the sitting supposedly sitting president whom they love and they cherish and they're so sad to see him go and and he just did the right thing for the country no he was forced out it was a coup it was a coup it was a coup against him he is still bitter about it and I don't this is like they think that he's just going to easy slide out of the way. He's not. Something else is going to happen where they're going to have to fully get rid of him the rest of the way. Something is not going to work and then they're going to start backstabbing Kamala but it says anger is growing toward the new puppet that has been put in the spotlight. Some will sabotage her supposed a campaign and her running mate so that they can say they can have a say in the pick that they think will not lose this election. So again, I believe what the Lord was saying the other day is that with this Tim Waltz that was not a candidate that's actually going to make her help win it was actually to sabotage her. Wow. And certainly with all his his stolen valor and all of of reports coming out. He actually doubled down. I think he's double down quadrupled down five or six times now. But just what was that yesterday? He was in or 2 days ago. It was it was over the weekend. He was invited to to speak and they gave him they they announced him by his the fake military title again a rank and he went on stage with it anyway you would think after all the stolen valor that he would be conscious of it somebody would be conscious of it and say no I'm not that title but nope they they just they're buzzing right through I I've never seen anything like it yeah and you think about somebody having that much controversy and that many issues why would they pick him why would they allow her to pick him because I think there's another sabotage tactic for her and at the same time they're ousting Biden They got him out of the way. Look what just came out that of course the House that there he he has committed impeachable acts. Yep. And all of a sudden now they say that he and his family made money off the country. Why isn't anybody buzzing about that? Why do you think they released that right before the convention? Um but I think they're going to start releasing more information regarding Biden. And they're going to start releasing more about Kamala because again they know she can't get them over the top. And that goes into this next paragraph of this prophecy because he's saying your enemies are obsessed. With this election and their control. They will make more decisions that will reveal who they really are even more. Their mask will come off and reveal the wolves in sheep's clothing. It will reveal many governmental secrets. It will reveal the mob bosses calling the shots in your so-called government. One machine they designed for controlling this nation is about to malfunction in ways noone can repair. So I think right now they wanted this convention to look really really good. And that's why the media is ignoring the outside chaos that breaking down barriers of them burning the Israeli flag, the American flag. Um them extremely angry and I will show you a prophecy that God actually gave before this even even happened. Um about the people that they brought over here. They're foreign mobs they brought over here. They're terrorists. Uh they're actually going to start turning on them because they're not their demands are not being met by the establishment. Wow that goes on the hill of a report yesterday in the war report. Uh there is what a hundred and fifty identified EINs of known Hezebela Terrace in the Chicago area as we speak. Right now? Right now. Yep. They were able to track it. Well I don't think we were we're done seeing everything with this convention Ann. I mean it looks like I said it looks like they're unified and it looks like everything's fine but there is not behind the scenes. There's a lot of chaos and I'll give you that prophecy too but there's a lot of things that are are going wrong in the Democratic Party or the Uni Party because it's really not Democrats because it's there's still rhinos involved. There's still the Republican Party. It's a uniparty. Uh but there's things are going to start hitting the fan. Yeah. I mean really. It's it's not going to go well for them right after this convention that's for sure. Well even Kamala's team this has been leaked. I don't know if it's been leaked on purpose. Kamala's team is showing that the the polls are are are inflated. They're not doing as well as they thought they were doing. And they're in panic mode. They're they're downplaying the polls by about 15 to 20 points I'm told. And now the report is out there that RFK Junior is going to join President Trump on Friday. And they are in panic mode. Wow. Yeah, I have prophecies about the polls and about the fake polls and that's what's going to put them over the edge. Remember, they will do everything and anything to win this election. Even including another coup against the person that's campaigning for him now. If you think again, back three years ago when God started prophesying that they were going to let Biden go. First, they were going to let certain things happen with Hunter then they were going to start letting things hiding his problem with his brain that's you know whatever malfunction that he has whether it's dementia or Alzheimer's whatever. They were hiding it. But all of a sudden then they're going to start not hiding it anymore because that was going to be the follow of the Biden. So now you're starting to see all the things that God spoke about for the last 3 years come to pass exactly the order that God said. But in the same thing he said they're not only going to get rid of him but they will get rid of her because she's also not one they want. So even though it looks like picture. It looks like they picked Joe too or the Biden and they backstabbed him in a heartbeat after the polls weren't showing what they wanted and this is exactly what's going to happen to her. Uh they again they had to shove her in really quick but they're going to start backstabbing her and there's prophecies that are I'll get to the today about that. So we're going to see a lot happen between now and this election. I will tell you it's unprecedented, unconventional, unexplainable, and unusual. I I still and convinced I don't see how there's going to be an election. There there's just no way they're going to allow it happen. There's just no way. Because even without RFK joining President Trump is winning this they they can't hide it. It's it's past the margin that they can really cheat and get away with it. But with RFK Junior coming in everybody that I talked to says this is this is it. It'll put him up about 20 points and pass the point where they can cheat. And it's unification. I mean you have a Kennedy joining the Trumps to unify the that's that's kind of amazing. Yeah and they're realizing all their remember God said about their desperation as their desperation and growing as they're going to get sloppier. They're going to start making way more mistakes. That's why I said they don't care about laws. They're going to do everything to throw it out. People say well they've already nominated her and they're stuck. No they're not. They should have been stuck with Biden. And they weren't. So I mean this is this is going to get crazy and like you said What did God say about the viruses and all of a sudden now they're talking about world health emergency with monkey pox? Yep. There's something else and I can't remember the other virus that they were talking about that's on it's spreading through Europe or something. I don't know. There's a couple there's a couple of them that are going on. I know that they they did declare monkey pox a health emergency worldwide. So you never know what they're going to do with these things. I mean this is going to get yeah. And then Claus Schwab yesterday says there will be an event that comes out that will shake the world before the 20twenty-four election. He just said that 2 days ago. What? The World Economic Forum. Yeah he did. Yep. He's trying to get out of the prophecy. Oh I forgot more. What's he know that we don't. Because God did talk about yeah. No Kaden. It's funny how they know stuff. But it's it's amazing. And no matter what they say no matter what they do. A big event. I wasn't this event is. War maybe because they talked about it and I will also give prophecies about terrorist attacks and plots on this on the soil. Um what they're going to try do against the United States of America in desperate attempts to stop President Trump and to stop this country. The process he even gave up today was called the life and life or death of a nation. So we're in a very very pivotal moment in this country. And I mean God is giving us and to choose life. And he said hey I said before you life and death blessing and cursing. You choose life. He wants us to choose life for this nation. He wants us to choose life for our freedoms. He wants us to choose these things. He can't force it on us But we really the thing that he was doing today in this prophecy that he was giving me this morning to give out to everybody was to really start batting down the hatches. The perfect storm is about to hit. These people head on and it's going to start violently shaking and we start to have to know where we lie and where our trust is in. Now trusting is obeying God. Amen. I mean you just you called down God's fierce anger as you what happened at the DNC. I I I'm still can't believe we're in a society where the Democrats have open abortion and a mobile event right before the kickoff and now they're they're bragging that 25 abortions were done mobilly. I mean you can't put your finger up at at at God any worse than this. It's just it's just unprecedented. Yep. Unprecedented. You have to say that. The DNC would be you really have to push back and say am I really living in the world? Pinch yourself? Could they really do this? Double down on and kill a life in front of the world and think this is a way to unite people and brag about it. Oh my goodness. It's unprecedented. He said that it's me unprecedented and that's part of that who who else in our history has had open abortions right there and vasectomy is right there in front of a convention. The unprecedented that things are happening right now and like you said, it's another form of them mocking God. Yeah. To me, it's like a middle finger saying, we are so anti life. We're so anti God. We're so anti Bible. We're so anti any thing that's good and we're just going to sit there and we're going to double down and triple down on it at our convention in front of the world and we're not going to care what anybody thinks or what anybody is going to try to do about it and so I mean it's it's a mockery. It's disgusting and they don't care. That's why I said, I don't care what's going on inside. Look at what's going on outside is what's really telling the truth about what's really going on in that party. Uh it's it's it's it's a meltdown. It's division and as the scripture said, Satan's house against his house shall fall. And it and it is the House of Cards is starting to fall. And we pray that they repent because God's justice is coming. This is not a mistake. This is a pattern. You see this after the Olympics? What they did at the Olympics? Now they do it on the world stage here at the DNC. And you're right. They are taking their middle finger and flipping it up to God and saying we don't care. What are you going to do about it? Well Pharaoh. Yeah. Yeah. Pharaoh did the same thing. I mean he he wanted to kill a whole bunch of God's people children right before the angel of death came and then he wanted all of them they first started. They threw a whole bunch of them in the in the river and they were killed by crocodiles. I mean and drowning. So they have always wanting to kill children. This has been there's nothing new on the sun. This has been a tactic of the enemy since the beginning of time. Yep. And so this is something new. That's why God calls the pharaohs up to date. I mean they're murderous, treasonous, thieves. They're they're horrible on every level you can possibly think of. And like I said this is a fight of good versus evil not of a Democrat versus Republican and whether Trump wins this election and and whether it's not if Trump wins election everything's going to be honky dory. That's not true. Right. It has to be God has to reset politically this nation and has to be this nation going back on the right course of life in the course of freedom and liberty and it's going to take more than just an election to do that. It's going to take more than just one person to do that. So we have to be putting our trust in God and not just our rightful president. Because again we love him. We pray for him. And obviously we want him to win. But that's not what's going to save our country. What's going to save our country is truly God. That's right. And and saving the country will save the world truly. And that's something President Trump said the other day. He was asked the question. He says do you do you believe he said the reporter asked why did God spare you? And he went in. It was really humble statement said why he you know that was truly God that that that saved him. And I said he said he believes God saved me to to help save the world. And I believe that. Yeah it was. I mean but he I know in this time that he's going to get that revelation of being the true David. Not just God calls me David. But why does God called me David? And because David had that revelation that it wasn't David. It was God that could bring down those giants. And that's what President Trump needs. It's that revelation that God is the one who's going to bring down these giants. Uh with helping from President Trump and he's going to be that driving force behind that stone. Uh that God talks about. So there's a lot of things are going to happen but I just I I just felt so strong to encourage people that just because it's not chaos right now it looks like with the DNC and it looks like everything's fine do not be discouraged about it because it's a it's really a joke and it won't last long. Well you know if you're going to strategize this you don't attack the DNC. Uh you do it on the last night. Not first or second night. And here's another interesting thing that is peculiar. Um I don't know the answer to this but it's awfully peculiar. The same guy that has this unique ability to track EINs or the the the the brains of a phone. You each has its own identity if somebody doesn't know what an EIN is. So you can track those everywhere. So he tracked a hundred and fifty Hezebela to Chicago. There's a hundred and 50 known Hezebela phones in Chicago. Uh he also tracked Antifa and it was at Antifa. And he says there's pockets of about twenty-five to fifty but they're all in the suburbs. They haven't gone into Chicago yet. It's almost like they're waiting for something to go into That's interesting. Key word or. Key word. Yeah. A key phrase. Yep. Or a key time coming on the last day of the event. I don't know but Friday's going to be an interesting day because if RFK Junior does join with President Trump in the in the and it's supposed to announce it in California on Friday. This will be a shock to them. Um panic will set in. It was Doctor Naomi Wolf who used to be a DNC. I think she helped Al Gore and wonderful lady. She's been on so many times. She's a pioneer about exposing Pfizer. But she said you know bringing those two together is the perfect match that's going to be nothing they can respond to. A Kennedy and Trump. I mean if you're a Democrat or you're in the independent you've always been a lifelong Democrat and that they've left your party. What a better way to unite the country. Yeah. Yeah. I mean look at look at what's going on with Elon Musk. I mean there's so many components. You have so many things going on and even the young people you see that the Swifties Taylor Swifties you know yeah the Swifties for Trump I was like when my friends sent me that hi Angie when she sent me that I was blown away I was like are you kidding me Swifties for Trump that's a thing that's huge to get the attention of the young crowds and even though I'm not a Taylor Swift fan at all and what she stands for but I mean I mean God's really moving if he can get Swifties for Trump too I mean anything can happen at this point God said very unconventional. Things have never happened before. Unprecedented. Uh we're going to start walking into it. So anything that we've seen in times past with elections God basically is saying throw it out because this is not 20 twenty-four. Well let let's just look at what's happened so far. You had a candidate or a a president who shouldn't been president that stolen election. No no way he got 81 million votes. The leading candidate they they try to put him in jail many times. They try to kill him. He he gets nipped in the ear. They have a coup on the sitting so that he doesn't run. This is this has never happened in American politics ever. It's already unprecedented. Yeah and God been saying it's going to be an unconventional unprecedented for over two years he's been told on this this election. And we didn't really see it really start to play out as unconventional and unprecedented until probably 20 twenty-four. Uh and even just since June 27th. I mean I was like blown away when I started hearing what was going on. But then again again that's the reason why I came out of that prayer retreat to get on this show because I had that prophecy on January 6th or or sorry June 26th right before the debate. About what was going to during debate and what was going to happen after the debate was exactly what happened and exactly how what was the ousting and the excuse to get rid of the Biden. And I mean it's it's insane. And then of course he he gets this catches COVID. You know he gets sick and then he comes out of COVID six inches taller. And then you have this person. I mean it you can't make this **** up. You can't make this stuff up. It is so unreal. And you I I don't know what to say to about it. But they are willing to do anything if they're being that bluntly obvious. I mean even if you look at Federman. Take a look at Federman pictures before he went on that like three month hiatus. Right. And look at him now. And sometimes he sounds like a more of a Republican and as a Democrat and I mean things are going on. There's more than just the Biden that's not who they are. You know there's a lot more of those walking around in DC that we don't know about. And I believe there's more of them. And he gave me a name of an architect that I cannot wait to get give to you today that she's going to be ousted as well. She's one of them but she'll be ousted as well. Uh they're going to start giving her up. They're going to start giving up the weak links because they're that desperate for this election. They're going to start giving up people to distract from what they're really doing to even get rid of Kamala or this Tim Tim guy or whatever. Maybe we'll keep him and get rid of her. Who knows? I don't know. At this point, it's no holes bar. It won't be anything. Just expect the unexpected. Let's just say that way. That's what the lord keeps telling me. Expect the unexpected but this Tim Waltz is just it's just mind blowing that somebody could steal their valor and keep doubling down, doubling down, doubling down and have all these skeletons that are coming out and hasn't dropped out or dropped out. They're not even addressing it. I said they're going to try to keep everything all you know just how it's supposed to be during this convention because all eyes are on this convention right now and then watch just watch what they start doing. They're going to start backstabbing each other. They're not going to care. I'm curious to see what they're going to do with the Biden because there is no way on God's green earth they're going to let him stay until inauguration. No way. No. I don't think I just don't think he's going to be there til inauguration but I don't know if it was by the one getting rid of him or by God removing him but either way he we he won't I don't think he'll be there. And this federman. I mean right now he left the convention on Monday night. He's in California for a week. Why is he not the convention of everything is so unified and everything is so perfect and he loves them and they love him. Why would he not be there to support them? They didn't even want him there. They probably even give him the option to stay there. No, I'm sure they didn't. No. They they interviewed Nancy Pelosi about that and she said, well, I had to do it for the better of the party and that was it and CNN had a meltdown yesterday talking about how bad this is going. On on CNN, they're talking about how bad the DNC is going. Um where when you remember their RNC, everybody saying this is the best event ever and even even CNN is is day two is saying or yeah it was day two yesterday. Uh this is this is a train wreck is what they were saying. So what are they saying is bad? Did they did they say why? Um I didn't go into detail with what he said but from a high level it was just there wasn't they weren't unified together. Uh and there and they know that there's problems. Severe problems. Kamala everybody knows that she's she she can't win. She what she get less than 3% of the vote in 2020 when she ran for president. People don't like her. They just don't like her she doesn't poll well and why they picked her is beyond beyond me and how they're going to continue with her like I said earlier her her internal polls are panicking because they know that they've they've skewed these these polls so bad that even they're looking that they can't win it's past that margin of cheating I have to find. It's going to be interesting. There's no way. I I see her making it. Now I gotta find that prophecy that talked about their polls. Um because he's mentioned it actually more than once just recently. He's talked about how bad the the polls are. Here it is. This is from the sixteenth. Well there's a oh my gosh there's so much in this so I'll I'll read this part first about the polls because we mentioned it. Alright. The fake polls are about to be torn apart. I will show you who is leading the charge on what percentage is put out to make the illusion that Kamala is accepted or even leading in any poll. I will show you the majority is on the side of my David and the Giants manipulating these elections and the news and this nation are about to fall apart in front of the world. They will not steal another election. I will not allow them to move forward with their plans to take over this nation. I told you this before. I am all you need to say country. I'll expose their election or selection machine. Their plans, every intricate detail of how they have picked each person and how they stole so many seats exactly how they want it. That's just one. He actually did another one. I think it was last week or the week before that where he talked about the fake polls regarding Kamala as well. Yup. It's there it's in it's in deep trouble. I I don't see how they get to an election. Um they're going to either Charles Schwab or Charles Schwab. Uh Schwab is right that there there is something coming that they're going to have to stop this election. Unprecedented. And again whether we have one or whether we don't. It doesn't matter. And that's why I keep telling people because that's what God keeps telling people. Because it really is God that will save this country. Yep. And that's why he said been saying for the last 2 years. It doesn't take an election to save this country. It takes me. That's right. And there's a card I'm still told that has not been played yet. And if this card is played it's it's it's game over without an election. So Hang on. It's still active. Yeah. Still active. In order for Trump to get back the seat of the president truly you gotta think about this for a minute. It doesn't take an election to bring him back. No. It just takes them actually proving that 2020 was such a lie and a fraud which God said that he was not done with the twenty twenty election. Nope. Um and that would just automatically he'd be reinstalled. Because he won the election. It was taken him. And so I mean there it's just it's insane what these people have done and now it's like out in the opening and I I know there are actually more and more things coming out about how the 2020 election was stolen but of course people are not you know really talking about it all that much because people's like oh that's just 2020 we're not we're moving on 20 twenty-four. No you better fix 2020 before you move on 20twenty-four because they'll do the same thing they did in 2020 then. Yep the Georgia is moving towards they're going to have to do something. Uh there was another report this morning that Rassenberger broke the law in 2020 election. Uh so that the House of Cards in Georgia. I was told Georgia would be the first one that would be unequivocal evidence that it was that President Trump won in Georgia and that would start the the domino. Uh I think we talked about the last time you were on 2 weeks ago. Since that two weeks ago that you were on. There's been three or four pieces of information on just that in Georgia that he that that the Trump President Trump won. And I'm not just saying people say that. There's there's proof. Well Rathensbergers have been in several different prophecies that God has been given me regarding the election in 2020 and regarding Brad Raethzburger and Brian Kemp he's not done with those two. I will tell you one thing right now. Uh Brian Kemp and Brad Rathensberger have a lot to own up to. They have a lot to I mean it's treason. It's a treasonous act to purposely allow a sitting president who was duly elected who won to be it to be one from your state and just think how many states that were selling on that night. How many people stopped on that night? Yeah. Purposely just stopped it. In order for Biden to get all you know or for them to start. Well it happened in that Atlanta. Atlanta in that one was it one dome or wherever. Yeah. That they had and you know that yeah thank you State Farm. That water leak? Again the same people who are I was told that I won't say who but good guys put in a camera in State Farm before that happened and they captured everything they got it all and that was confirmed to me again about and I know when people are You're probably wondering if they have all this and why aren't they given it? Well the problem is you have to give it at the right time. Because if you show all your cards at the wrong time then you can lose. And there was so much evidence that was shown in twenty twenty-one regarding twenty twenty election that was stolen. There was so much proof and it was denied. Yep. It was suppressed. It was judges wouldn't even look at it. Even though it was so much proof they would not take a look at it. Because they were threatened. So again it wasn't the right time to play that. Um and you know why enemies know everything you have anyway. You wait until they least expect it and then you play that card. Well that's part of the exposing too. Look how many judges that sat on this that are going to be exposed. So those judges had to be exposed as well. The the cover up. And speaking of cover up Kemp was was blackmailed into that situation and I don't know how to say this. Uh it impacted somebody and his family close very closely and death. That's all I'll say. That they're not they're not playing around but you know, no matter what happens, you gotta come out and tell the truth because it's the only thing that's going to set you free. Brian Kemp there's a lot he has to own up for because he has done a lot of things against this country and I believe he has has ties if he doesn't have ties to China which I think he I think he's that's the one if I'm going right. If it was him or Doug Ducey but I think it was Brian Kemp had ties to China. So when you have and you're doing things just like this Tim Wolfs. Yeah. Because I also heard that there was an explosive information about all of his ties to China. Yep. Um How many of our government officials? Just just think about this for a minute. How many government officials are tied to China? We're going to be shocked to find out how many have been paid by that country in order to sabotage and get intelligence from us. Exactly. I I don't know the number but it's high. I I I did hear that General Flynn said I think this week or last week I don't remember where he said this but he said he believes only four or five senators are clean. Four or five out of fifty. That means the rest of them are compromised from from one from one way or another. That's the American government. Wow. That that's the perfect sign of treason. Treason. Think about January 6th that was a form of treason yes you set that up you lied about it again it was another coup against President Trump to impeach him and have another excuse because your first one didn't work with your Russia Russia Russia now all of a sudden you're going to get him on you know all these other things his insurrection which was a lie which we obviously know was a lie and there was FBI involved in this lie in this cover up and then you have everything that's been going on since then. Look all these indictments didn't work. The assassination attempt didn't work. All these things are not working just like the way God said. God said the indictments were going to implode. God said that the assassination attempts on his life were not going to work. They didn't have that power to take him out in this hour. They don't have the power against God's power. God is bigger and God is greater and so no matter what they're doing. No matter what tactic they use, no matter what plan they use, it's going to falter. It's going to all by the wayside because God is bigger than anything that they have in their arsenal. Yeah that's what January 6th was all about. It was the cover up of the 2020 stolen election. And now we get more information that just this week there was reports that I think it was Tom Fenton. Tom Fenton reported through judicial watch that the CIA had people on the ground on January sixth. Now we know too the pipe bomb with Kamala Harris had ties implanted they believe by the FBI. It was it was a was a it was a setup. Absolute setup. That's the thing that you have to ask if the sitting vice or the incoming vice president had a pipe bomb and and she could have been killed. Why didn't she never talk about that? Well, we know now because it it wasn't real and we saw that the secret service in Washington DC was aware of it and they let kids walk right in front of it. There's a video of that watching kids. It's absolutely insane. It was a setup. Absolute setup. Well you have and again I don't know what all that's in Kamala what's going on with her but I gotta get out this prophecy too. I'll get this I'll get them out. I'm going to read this verse but remember and remind me if I forget. God sent a word. It was either yesterday's or today's that I gave out about skeletons in Kamala's closets that were going to come out. Not just a skeleton in Biden's closet. A skeletons in Kamala's closet that they're going to let out. When did you have that prophetic word? Uh let me see if it was from it was when I was in the Lake of the Ozarks when I was gone. Uh. So just before you said that our general friend sent me a text. And she's one of the skeletons in this text. And if this is true. Uh huh. If this text that I got in my hand is true. Oh my goodness. It'll blow things wide open. I'm trying to find it. It was either the 15th, 16th of May. Oh here it is. It was the 15th. And it was called the prophecy was called the destruction of the deceiving ruling class. A skeleton in Kamala's closet is about to come out big time. That's what he said. And then right after that Biden will take another hit for fighting back against this coup against him. They will try to take him out for a final time. So they're not done trying to remove him because he is not just going quietly. Uh I have a that they're using things against him to to silence him but he can use things against them also. Yeah, he's got a lot of dirt on them, a lot of dirt and the Obamas, there's a lot of information going about the Obamas. Surprisingly, it's taking this long but people are waking up to who really Michelle is and who Barack is. Uh actually, I'm kind of surprised that even mainstream is starting to listen to this information and say, well, maybe Barack isn't who he said he was. His skeletons are going to be coming out too. Of them that we already know but most of the people don't know about it. Those those skeletons are coming out but perfect timing the general sent me that skeleton about Kamala and if true is a blockbuster. Alright, we'll be right back after this. As our audience knows, we don't do it. We don't promote anything unless it works. I fell off a ladder, fell down on my leg, opened it up, and it was great pain in it so I I used the patch and immediately it went away. No pain. By scientific research and rigorous lab testing. Even people who have suffered for decades are getting amazing results. We now have hundreds of testimonials for pain relief, allergy relief, anti anxiety, brain boost, keto boost, and many other solutions all with zero drugs and no side effects. Quantum is simply two things. One, intentions. As a man thinketh so he is and two, renewing your mind with the word of God. This unique yet potent multi-sensory approach is powerful and it works. The patch provides the touch and the included prayer guide uses your sight, speech, and hearing to utilize the senses God gave you. That's the Quantum Effect. Are you ready to experience the Quantum Effect? Go to QE Strong. com and use code His Glory at checkout. It's not Pro Tech It's insurrection. Insurrection. Insurrection. I think that law enforcement had been weaponized. This guy is not just undercover, okay? He is committing violence. Everybody that was on the ground on J six. Police officers and demonstrators alike were all set up. It At His Glory, we're going to reach a billion souls and every one of the seven mountains of his kingdom. We're at war and to win a war, we need the people in the trenches and the trenches are the kingdom builders. So, why do you partner with His Glory so that you can be a part of this billion soul harvest. It takes each and every one of us to do our part to reach his kingdom, all for his purpose and all for his glory. Alright, we're back with Wednesdays with Julie Green. Alright, Julie, what was the rest of the prophecy that you had? The skeleton may come out as I said before we went to the break, the skeleton, what I was just shown that that would be that would be I'd definitely is a definition of a skeleton in the closet. Okay so there is so many right now that I can give out to you so I'm trying to figure out which one to give to you because there's there's just so much here but I'll go back to the one that I was just giving you about skeletons in her closet because right underneath of that one I I was going back up to the top. So this is why so it says CNN is about to fall yet again so they're desperate or they're deceptive ways but they won't go without a fight. They will try to take down others with them. So here's what starts me in fighting in the the mainstream or mainstream media as well. And he says the mainstream media is about to have a major meltdown with what is coming. Some will turn on the ones who have given them their scripts. The establishment is about to have a mess on their hands because more people are turning on them and taking orders and not taking their orders like they used to. The establishment is about to fall so so get ready. Instead of collapse of society your enemies want it. You are about to see a collapse of a government in a flowed on a major scale. Everything is about to change for your good. So that is just a part of that one. And then earlier in this prophecy he talks about listen here. They have used every plan to dismantle the independence of humanity from the government in ruling class. They have tried to control even what you buy and when to buy these products. They have algorithms to force you into something you would not usually buy or look at. They've used tactics to get more people into credit card debt or even any type of debt as they much they could and so he's talking about the dismantling of our independence of humanity and they're trying everything and destroy you and he's even talking about it financially and then he goes down here later on and says my United States the unprecedented time you are living in will intensify. Your government is about to implode in a way never seen before. Not only the power over you be brought to nothing that we brought to nothing and removed from their positions. I told you repeatedly removals are coming on a grand scale. A scale never seen before. It may appear to be impossible for that many removals to take place at one time. But remember there is nothing impossible for me to take care of or to handle. My hand is big enough to remove them all. And then when I gave this against prophecy out he gave me the example of pharaoh and removing Pharaoh and all Pharaoh's army at one time right in front of the Israelite's face. So God can do anything he needs to in order to save his people especially from these these oppressors. So there's going to be a lot of chaos happening, a lot of events, unprecedented events that God's mentioning and when you mentioned Cloud Schwab I had not heard that But he keeps talking about unprecedented events. Mhm. So things that have never happened before. So we've seen the chaos and **** that COVID brought. Yeah. Just think how much of a skill they would take if that's not even big enough. Right. And that's what he's alleging is that it's going to happen before the election. But about the CNN that that prophecy literally happened yesterday. They start turning on each other. Uh like I said earlier unprecedented that they did that. In the middle of a DNC convention. Usually you have all the talking points and everybody's on the same time same side Ron rah rah but one of them just dropped the bomb and you talk about the debt and the credit card debt you know Kamala just came out with her which she would like to add 44. 6 capital gains and a 25% unrealized gains tax to Americans that would just that would destroy America and the stock market and wealth in the middle class immediately that means if you had a house and the house went up just because Zillow said it was up that you would have to pay 25% even though you didn't sell that house. It would it would destroy America. That's Solalinski one oh one. Communism and socialism. That's exactly what it is because you know Obama and Hillary were obviously under him. Uh they were his students and they learned a lot of his on his playbook of communist and bringing communist and communism and extremism to this country and to destroy the middle class and that's would be like the the the nail in the coffin of the middle class. It would be the nail in the coffin for the people that have money too. Why would you invest? You wouldn't stay in this country. You'd leave. Uh I can't remember what country tried this. I I read that this morning that they thought they could bring in like 150 billion to tax end up costing them $600 billion because the the the rich people left the country. They just left and it destroyed the country. Uh huh. That's exactly what would happen. Can you imagine being taxed on something that you haven't taken you haven't sold? That's and it's based on somebody's arbitrary number that they say it's worth worth this so you have to pay 25% of that. So that you could get that inflated too. Oh my goodness. So one of the craziest things is her policies were just released right before the convention. I think her policies were just showing communism and socialism on a grand scale. And it was funny because somebody actually asked at the DNC. The whole DNC platform was Biden's second term. And his policies he was doing. They didn't even take enough time to remove Biden out of it. And they left her in it. And of course because they didn't want her communistic type of stuff to be on there I don't think. I mean they use excuse of it wasn't enough time but I think they could have pulled off something. Um but then again remember what they did with Biden? They said he was lit because of thunder's applause and all this kind of stuff that was going on all night long. CNN said that was not true. Mom friend said that to me too. So CNN is definitely turning on them which is one of the things that I thought that was so crazy because I never imagined CNN be one of the first ones to call out a buff and to call out a lie. Well the tide's changing. The House of Cards is coming down. And what do we still have? Two more two more days of this convention tonight and Thursday. Yeah. Wow. So there's a prophecy my friend has sent to me from thank you Angie. From July 21st 20 twenty-four it's called it's time for the Giants to come down. And this is the one we we've been talking about because God this is the second or third time God's mentions skeletons in closets. He said the skeletons in the closets of many politicians about to be unearthed. So be prepared for the shaking that comes with it. So he did talk about Biden's skeletons, Kamala's skeletons. I have a feeling Obama's like you said because one of the things in this other prophecy that God gave to me he said he was not Obama was not the only mastermind and some is about to turn on Obama as well. Could be Joe. Well, the truth about Obama is coming out faster and faster every day. I think that probably affected their their their smooth moves because they wanted to put Michelle in there but there's too much proof coming out about who Michelle really is now and who Brock is really is that I don't know if they could pull that off because people they know the truth. Same as Macron's wife in France. There was a photo I think it was Candace Owens that showed that this morning. Somebody a couple people showed it that she's not really a she. Macron They got that. Really? No evidence. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know he was gay. It's it's part of it's part of the I don't know. Uh seems like they're all have the same playbook. Now you know Barack kept that a secret for so long and I don't know how he kept it a secret. Uh I knew about it. Well of course it was my my boss at the time but it's they get they pulled the wolf over a lot of people's eyes. And truth is coming out. I should find that one about I don't know if it was on this one. There's a lot about the division and the hatred between Obama and Biden. I have got to find that one. Um of course this one talks also about the extreme violence in the streets which we've already started to see stuff with the DNC. The guy's warning about chaos in the streets for a while but also he said here's one. The establishment's about to erupt and more division black backstabbing and explosive exposure against others in their party to save themselves. They're reaping a great harvest of destruction in these days of payment. You will see this gets clear when they things don't go the way they want at the DNC. It looks like they're getting what they want but they're not. Right. There's a great divide and you will see that. It's true. Watch what the delegates do that will surprise you. There was I think it was a gateway punnet that came out. There were seven hundred and fifty thousand delegates that were going to come out or whatever for votes that were going to come out that was against Kamala but I don't know exactly what happened. Um I know they you know they gotten her in somehow. They must have done something but they did they did come out before that. Yeah. They got to California and California. They said California what do you do? And they passed. California passed. Passed the vote. Well come back to us. They did? Yeah. Yep. I don't know about any other states but I I did see California passed. Her state passed. Her state hm that's very interesting that her state passed but I guess that doesn't really surprise me in a way but here's another one. Let's let's see here. Let's get out the one from there's so many I have open right now. I gotta get them all straight here. Here's one from the sixteenth. Um okay. Let me get up to the top here. My children, I'm about to show you all the criminals in your capital, the crime families, the mob bosses, the handlers, the puppets, the fallmen, every aspect of this establishment will be torn apart and exposed to the world. I will show you every crime against this nation, every partaker of them, the architects, the blueprints, and the end game, or the plan to end President Trump in this nation. I will show you every crime scene and who covered them up. I'm opening the doors wide on this darkness and the wicked schemes they made to bring the world to its knees and under their control. So he's mentioning those blueprints and architects again which I think very interesting that he keeps talking about it and then I'll get to the one he says that he actually one of who the one of the architects are. Okay. Um as my children when all this takes place things will shake uncontrollably spiritually and politically. Think of how things shook in Egypt when I ripped Pharaoh's power and empire and forced him to give everything he had and gave it to my people. This is the same thing but on a larger scale. These criminals have had their time in the spotlight but now it's time for these criminals to be sentenced for their crimes. There are many witnesses to their crimes and the ones who designed them have no idea people are willing to turn on them. Whistleblowers are becoming more bold now seeing that they are weak there are weaknesses and divisions in the establishment and they've used to be part of they can see the light of their departure from the hell that they've been in with fear on a continual basis wondering and trying to protect their families from the ones who have threatened to take their lives. Whistleblowers will come out from every direction seeing there's a chance for their freedom and safety. So before I go on he's talking about how whistleblowers are going to start coming out more against the people that they were a part of and affiliated with was this establishment because they see the division and the weakness. So now they're saying this is my time to get out of out of here before this impose. Shaking my head because I got another text message and it's like oh my goodness. Wow. I don't. It's fun to get confirmations live on air. I'm just yeah and for for people that are legit, you know, it's not like you got it from Crazy Aunt Susie or something. Um wow. These prophecies are going to come true. I don't know if people are going to be able to handle it. Uh reminds me of the the movie. You can't handle the truth. A few good men or whatever. A few good men. Yeah. Wow. I mean, how when we when this all comes out you just ask yourself how did they get away with this? How do they fool so many people? Oh. There's a lot of deception going on but that's the reason why I think the prophets have been so attacked real ones and these prophecies because God is in there showing like hey I know what's going on and I'm telling you what's going on before it happens in your news so that you trust and rely on me. Yeah. And not what you normally trust and rely on. Uh your five physical senses or what you know especially what things look like right now. I mean things are all are always believing what they see and God saying don't don't believe what you see he keeps talking about that don't believe what you're seeing because it's all going to come down like you said like a house of cards it's all coming down and one of the things he says in this next paragraph my children prepare for the judgment that's about to rain down against establishment in the globalist for destroying my nations in the world I designed for freely for you to enjoy judgments will strike like the plagues of Egypt these unprecedented things you are about to witness is to destroy their empire and to free you from their control I am ready to move hand against them. So get fear out of your minds and hearts and remember I'm separating you and protecting you. Then he goes on by fighting but I want to get to this. Further down. The walls that have protected the leaders of this establishment are coming down. Nancy will be exposed on who she is and all that she has done. Remember things are not how they seem with her. Many in Washington are not who they say they are. Hollywood played a huge part in covering up what has really been happening in DC. When things suddenly go wrong in your capital they need to find replacements and I will show you their intricate scheme and the sets and the props they use to drug people up and to look one way when it's not that way at all. And then of course again he's talking about how things are not how they seem with Nancy. So the Biden And then he's been really really going on in reiterating this about Nancy Pelosi. And then he's also saying about Chuck Schumer. I will show you Chuck Schumer and the rat he really is. He'll be ripped out of his position that does not belong to him. Great exposures are coming for all the leaders of this machine
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