Qnn 1,11,2024

4 months ago

QURRENT EVENTS Nov 1st 2021 🐸 #DDK
Future proves past
November 1, the world will never be the same after tomorrow. The storm is here and it's all the PATROITs around the dome...haha coming together and nothing can stop us. I look forward to going along our JOURNEY TOGETHER!! The fun is only starting!! BUCKLE UP AND GET SOME!
#PUREBLOOD #wwg1wga #getsome #q #anon #HOPEONAROPE
#VAQ #WFM #G_Oh_DEE #LEQ #GTM #PJP #GitmoTV #teflondQn #DumbsandUnderground #FreedomFighter #ElusiveTruth https://t.me/+ZGL-IE6diJJlZWEx #ToyandLokiShow #TexasSarcasticBrett

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