Zodiac Hack ☆

4 months ago

Work is just work,
it’s not who you are,

It may fill your hours,
but you’re shining afar.

chaos, trauma,
may pull you down,

But dopamine lifts you,
wears a new crown.

Serotonin flows,
oxytocin too, 
Endorphins remind you of?
joy breaking through.

Anxiety fades,
when you focus 3rd eye,

Your happiness blooms,
where you decide. 

manage the stress,
the anger, the grind,

friendships and life,
kept peace in mind.

dislike the nine to five,
but I rise each day,

Knowing beyond it,
I’m living my way. 

you’re larger than jobs,
than tasks or race,

In life beyond work,
find your true place.

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