Smith Co. TX Citizens have opportunity to protect Freedom of speech in public hearings via TX551.023

2 months ago

Texas Supreme Court Justice Jimmy Blacklock reports that all Supreme Court hearings are broadcast live on the internet. In the past decade, citizens were permitted to record or broadcast judicial hearings in Smith Co. courtrooms that are open to the public.

In the last 4 years, or so, younger judges have been seated in these courtrooms. New judges have taken their "prerogative" to forbid recording in hearings that are open to the public in violation of 1) TX Supreme Court practice, 2) Texas Judicial Code 551.023, 3) the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 4) Texas Constitution Article 1 Section 26, 5) God-given unalienable Rights protected by every public servant who has sworn an oath to our express trust document (1787), 6) laws of Nature and of Nature's God (1776) as well as 7) Life, Liberty, [Property], and pursuit of Happiness (1776), 7) Common Law and Maxims of antiquity.

When judges abrogate these rights, oaths have been broken and remedy is required. Otherwise, Texas and America have devolved into a system of rule by man rather than Rule of Law as established by our founders.

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