Fri 1Nov24 Ozempic Ghouls & Gila Monsters; Record Election Money, Corruption Next; Autism Soars

4 months ago


(2:00) Media Derangement & Delusion Drudge & leftist say Trump threatened Liz Cheney with execution — WATCH what he actually said
(7:22) The insane hypocrisy & politicized tyranny
* Colorado Democrat Secretary of State just committed a worse crime than Tina Peters who was sentenced to 9 years in jail
* Jimmy Kimmel's "joke" is EXACTLY the joke for which a Trump supporter was sentenced to jail…and Kimmel's REALLY WAS A CONSPIRACY (even if not funny or original)
* Police pretend that have no idea of motive or suspects even though it was written on the device used to torch ballot boxes
* Bill Clinton throws Lala under the bus…the same guy whose manager famously said "it's the economy, stupid"
* Clinton tells Michigan Muslims that Israel HAS to kill civilians
* Bible skeptic Ben Shapiro teams up with atheist Sam Harris to push Zionism

(32:19) Follow the Money!
* Record amount for Senate ($2.5B) so expect TRILLIONS in payouts to donors
* How do Trump & Lala stack up in donors and donations?

(51:07) Tucker Carlson's Halloween Story of Demonic Attack
* Did he miss all the true and more obvious spiritual warfare at FOX?
* Remember when the "prophets" said Satan got Tucker fired?  They got it exactly backwards
* Federal government has begun an experiment (funding) to use children's welfare agency to push gender confusion on children starting at 5
* Mark Driscoll says "there are no pro-choice Christians in Heaven".  Is he right?
* Harvard "church" host a "Taylor Swift as Sacred Text" event

(1:21:44) Pharma Toxins and Toxic Lies
* Ozempic Ghouls — did you know this stuff is Gila monster poison?
* While they took mercury out of some vaxes, they put in the flu shots and told pregnant women to take the flu vax
* Autism soars even higher as Daily Mail offers nonsense info misdirection
* WATCH CNN Kaitlan Collins come after Trump official over vaccine skepticism.  But is it all to cover up Trump's vax worship and make MAGA buy into the illusion?

(1:44:01) LIVE comments, questions, and thanks to supporters 

(1:54:42) Climate
* California now mandates electric motorcycles
* UK is astonished at the number and severity of lithium fires
* UK says stop meat & dairy for green agenda but in the US, WSJ tells people its for their health
(2:05:03) INTERVIEW Gerald Celente: Post-Election Trends Gerald Celente, What can we expect with either a Trump or Lala win in…
* Mideast
* Markets
* Gold/Silver
* RFKj and vaccines
* Taxes
* Deficits/Fed Policy
* Energy or Green
* Ukraine
* China

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