Disturbing Real Life Exorcisms - Demonic Possession Exorcism

1 month ago

Bizarre tools of the exorcist include eggs, soil and fire, in the hands of a Catholic priest of Columbia, Brother Hermes Cifuentes. The possessed is given mud to cover their skin, and a white robe to cover their body. They lie down inside a burning circle, their arms outstretched, appearing on the ground as if crucified.

The Vatican reports a surge in the worship of the occult, Satan included. Catholic excorcists in Rome were in such high demand that one priest averaged one hundred exorcisms per week. The public was resorting to the service of charlatans, only some of them are priests, others rogue priests performing the rites without approval from superiors. In 2,014 Pope Francis implemented his plan to recruit and train carefully chosen priests in the art of expelling demons from the afflicted. Today the ranks of this new official arm of the church have swelled to 2,500 priests worldwide.


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When a charlatan attempts to perform the rites he is acting in disobedience to god, and the devil will not be moved. According to Canon law exorcisms can be given only by ordained priests with permission of the local bishop, and only after a careful medical examination, so that the mentally ill will not be subjected to the ceremony. In order to qualify for clerical treatment the candidiate must meet four requirements from a comprehensive list.

Speaking in foreign tongues. Superhuman strength. Fear of holy water, or fear of the crucifix. A feeling of cold air, surrounding the subject. Unnatural or impossible body positions. A change in the subject's voice, or speaking without moving his lips. Predicting future events. A body that levitates in the air. Telekinesis, or moving objects without touching them. Discomfort at hearing prayer. The appearance of words or symbols, in scratches or raised welts on the flesh.

The priest will never perform the rites alone. He will use at least one assistant to join him in prayer, and if necessary to hold down the body of the possessed. The padre needs to bring but five weapons for the task: the purple stole, or scarf; a crucifix; a flask of holy water; the written text of the prayers of exorcism and a relic of the saints, a small piece of the corpse of a saint, or highly venerated person.

Involuntary possession has a specific remedy within the Catholic church. First the demon is commanded to depart. This is followed by a special prayer of exorcism to drive away, quote: "unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, the most cunning serpent, cursed dragon, diabolical collectives, assemblies and cults. Be gone, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit. God the Father commands you, God the Son commands you, God the Holy Ghost commands you," end quote.

On September 4, 2016, Mother Teresa was canonized as a saint of the church. In 1997 she suffered a case of insomnia. Because doctors could give no reason for her sleeplessness, she suspected the work of the devil. She voluntarily submitted to exorcism. After that, her sleep was peaceful.

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