MommaMcVeigh™ threatened to MURDER CHILDREN. She is worse than a pedophile.

4 months ago

We have children living in the building. MommaMcVeigh™ threatened to SLAY CHILDREN in order to protect her brother. She actually just fucked over her brother Mark, by making domestic terrorist threats. i didn't think I actually had a case against my uncle because it's his word against mine and happened long time ago. Now MommaMcVeigh™ forced my hand when she made bomb threats and now I have to explain the entire story to the police, including what my uncle did and what my father said about 14 year old "hot little girls".

I'm not trying to black mail her. I cannot have her make threats like that. I told the police I want to still pay her back. But she isn't getting a dime until I speak to the detectives. I need to be assured she isn't going to use the money to buy Ammonia Nitrate and other bomb making supplies.

I'm also going to request the police get the bomb squad to inspect the computer, and search their home for explosives.

This is not sarcasm. This is serious.

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