Angels Under the Euphrates: End-Times Wrath Unleashed

4 months ago

Join Micah Van Huss as he dives into the mystery of the Euphrates River.

Revelation records that in the end-times, the river will dry up and angels which are bound underneath will be loosed to slay a third of mankind.

Today the Euphrates River is drying up at levels never seen before. Underneath, archaeologists have found a grave that may belong to the demigod Gilgamesh.

US Marines tell stories of the oppression at the Haditha Dam in Iraq. Could CERN trigger the unleashing of these angels with it’s Large Hadron Collider?

Are these angels the 4 Horsemen on the Apocolypse? What do the nations of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran have to do with these angels? What did Jesus do to these angels?


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