The Gods of Atlantis: World Rulers of This Present Darkness

4 months ago

Join Micah Van Huss as he dives into the mystery of Atlantis.

Plato recorded in the Critias and Timaeus that Poseidon and Atlas ruled Atlantis as gods. Were the people of Atlantis Nephilim hybrids like the giant offspring of the angelic Watchers in Genesis 6?

Egyptian hieroglyphs record that Atlantis was destroyed by violent earthquakes and a great flood. Are the Younger Drias climate catastrophe and the flood of Noah the same historical events?

After defeating the titans in the Titanomachy, the Olympian gods, led by Zeus divided up the world among themselves. What parallels about the division of the nations do we find in scripture in Deuteronomy 32?

Some claim that the city of Atlantis is lost, but could it be hiding in plain site? Could the Richat structure Eye of the Sahara be the destroyed city of Atlantis?

#ConspiracyTheory #Richat #Nephilim #Watchers #Bible

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