Violent Attacks Shock Eastern Cape: Traditional Leader Killed, Five Students Raped in Mqhekezweni

3 months ago

E Cape Crimes | Two women killed, 5 grade 12 learners raped in Mqhekezweni village and We start off with this developing story out of the OR Tambo District in the Eastern Cape, where another body has been discovered at Mqhekezweni village.
The body of a woman was found partially undressed - with what appears to be bullet wounds.
The police have also deployed extra resources to hunt down perpetrators of two crime incidents that happened in the area overnight.
This follows an incident where five Matric pupils were raped in the same village last night, not 6 as previously reported.
A local traditional leader, Nkosi Nogcinile Mtirara was also shot dead inside her home at the Mqhekezweni great place.
Police Spokesperson Siphokazi Mawisa says Mtirara was gunned down by two unknown men in balaclavas. Create a title and description

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