RIP RUSS DIZDAR! THE WARNING MESSAGE: Satanic Super Soldiers & The Coming Chaos!

4 months ago


The Time Is Now Get With God!

Original Video

Dizdar: We Are Tracking Satanic Super Soldiers In ALL U.S. Cities
• Dizdar: We Are Tracking Satanic Super...

I was going through the feed on social, and i came across a post
and it mentioned Russ Dizdar and i guess he passed away.
now he exposed a lot of the occult too especially with his book
The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos.
He also did a episode with Josh Tolley talking about this
"Ancient Brotherhood" also called the Black Flame
I don't know if you guys know him, but i used to have Josh Tolley added on
my original Facebook years ago, I was always trying to get into the groups and crowds at this time
I was 16 when i was first started getting into this deeper side of thinking on things
I remember joining little sessions with Ron Paul girl back in 2012, I remember Lisa Haven used to upload
my content on the site before she became a youtuber,
there was a time when Ted Cruz and Mike Lee did a Facebook video live thing, and i joined it
and this is when i was just barely like learning things and like being very very hyped about it,
when i was in the chat, i was telling them all these things about Obama
and his war crimes, i was typing paragraphs and i can see Ted Cruz reading what I was sending,
cause i can read his lip and i was the only one in the chat writing so much and i felt like
he was very sincere reading what i was typing at that time
and ever since then Ted Cruz went after Obama like crazy, that's what i remember...
even though I believe they're all corrupt one way or another, and maybe that was a thought
to them to be a controlled opposition.. i don't know but at this time i felt he was sincere
and he listened to me so there is some respect to that there..
There was another time where i joined the site Info wars when they did these little groups
that you can make, and i remember linking my social media and
i was always advertising my groups and they were in the very front of the page all the time i always linked my YouTube stuff, and one day they completely banned me. After that i knew Alex Jones was a controlled opposition. There was another YouTuber named CourageousNerdZ who asked to collaborate in 2014, and he disappeared off YouTube, that same year my channel was taken down too. Now i want to upload this whole episode of Josh Tolley, and Russ Dizdar make sure to listen to the whole thing and be sure to share, like comment subscribe if you haven't
and with that being said have faith , remain vigilant, and God bless you all.



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