On MbS, Education, Mediocrity & keeping up the system - video 65

4 months ago

On MbS's fear of assassination, keeping up the system through education, media and suppression, Ideologies, fear and threats, art, science and the favour of mediocrity and how that has destroyed our world.
I'm not so good in talking - so I hope I made myself clear. I have usually so much in mind at the same time that writing is easier for me.
The example of my father is not because I'm important but it's just an example for how ideologies work, how people make up a narrative about the outside that fits in their ideology (see also the Fakestinians' or Ukrainians' reversion of history). I'm sure many experienced similar things and this is the reason for many family or other quarrels. The best is not to answer back because ideologies can't be changed except by the person him/herself.
Political systems that favoured critical thinking, art and science like the Austrian empire, the Pahlavi dynasty or old China had to be destroyed for the old-new ideologies. If you for example tell somebody from the Austrian nobility that you're an artist they show you respect. The new-rich usually don't want their children to be artists or study humanities, it's like a disgrace because it endangers the (their) system.

I mentioned my favourite philosopher: Michel de Montaigne (1583-1592). For a full understanding, there is a book about him & his philosophy by Sarah Bakewell: How to live: A Life of Montaigne ..

An interesting video on victimhood. It is a bit weirdly done, but I've learned something from it. The end of course doesn't give one a solution (which I would love to have haha) but we are not in mathematics https://youtu.be/MMWo-dTNGiA?si=4XXxpph1IyAfAOr3

The Peter Principle. This is ANOTHER reason for why there are many incompetent people in high positions. I can't see that it's the only reason. I think it's an addition to the phenomenon https://psychology-spot.com/peter-principle-incompetence/

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