J.D. Vance Talked About His Experience With Covid-19 Vaccine

4 months ago

10/31/2024 Republican vice-presidential nominee J.D. Vance on the Joe Rogan podcast: The sickest I’ve been in the last 15 years is when I took the COVID vaccine, I was in bed for two days and my heart was racing. A lot of people I know said that the second shot made them really sick. But it's weird that you're not even allowed to question it or discuss it.
#covidvaccine #sideeffects #censorship #bigpharma #JDVance #JoeRogan
10/31/2024 美国共和党副总统候选人万斯做客乔·罗根播客:在接种新冠疫苗后,我经历了过去15年里最严重的一次疾病。我卧床了2天,心跳一直加速。我认识的许多人都说第二针疫苗让他们病得很重。但奇怪的是,人们甚至不被允许质疑或讨论这个问题。
#新冠疫苗 #副作用 #审查 #大药厂 #万斯 #罗根

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