Synod on Synodality’s Final Document – the road to hell

4 months ago

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On 26 October 2024, the Synod on Synodality’s Final Document was adopted. Charismatic terminology is intertwined with vague formulations and ambiguous terms. It is difficult to deduce their true content. This method of ambiguous terms was also used at the Second Vatican Council. Its aim is to hide the real destructive intent of the document and to disguise its heretical content.
The Synod on Synodality is the final fruit of the heretical Second Vatican Council.

What does the Spirit say to the Church? The synodal path is the path of apostasy, ending in eternal damnation. My people, come out of Bergoglio’s Babylon!

What is the essence of the Synod’s 52-page final document? To set in motion a process of permanent revolution to uproot all the dogmas on which the Church was built. The principle of the change of paradigms was already authoritatively enshrined in the motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam of 1 November 2023. It means the gradual abolition of the commandments of God, of the Church’s tradition, of the hierarchical structure, and the legalization of the outrageous sin of sodomy and, consequently, of all sins. The highest powers in the management of the Church are given to the so-called pastoral councils, i.e. mainly LGBTQ lay people and arrogant feminists. The process will be accompanied by the gradual abolition of celibacy and the introduction of the ordination of women as deacons, priests and bishops. This anti-Christ revolution is to be implemented primarily by LGBTQ lay people and their supporters on the principle of the programmed suicide of the Catholic Church. The Synod’s final document is the de facto Instrumentum laboris of this suicide. It has been given the authority of the magisterium.
All this is possible because the hierarchy does not want to acknowledge the fact that Bergoglio is a usurper of the papacy and that he is abusing the highest office to destroy the Church. The mass apostasy of Catholic prelates is the main and scandalous problem, not just Bergoglio. The blind and treacherous Church hierarchy is obediently assisting in suicide, hypocritically appealing to so-called obedience to the Holy Father and supposed fidelity to the Church and Christ. This spiritual blindness and rebellion against God today already borders on or in the case of many is an outright sin against the Holy Spirit.
A visible sign of the apostasy of Catholics is that they do not see Bergoglio’s apostasy or they accept it. This applies not only to bishops, but also to priests and the faithful. They have embraced the spirit of the world and the sodomite anti-gospel with its blessing of the sin of sodomy, and this is a public apostasy from Christ. They boycott and reject saving repentance. The requirement of following Christ and His way of salvation is foreign to them. They have already embraced Bergoglio’s synodal path that leads to eternal damnation.
Let us at least recall the flagrant manifestations of Bergoglio’s apostasy during his usurped papacy. With the gesture of kissing the feet of a transsexual, he endorsed anti-human transsexualism. In the heretical exhortation Amoris laetitia, he abrogated objectively valid moral norms. To this day, he has not responded to cardinals’ dubia. He criminally agitated for experimental mRNA vaccination with disastrous consequences. He has formed a spiritual and immediate alliance with the elites and their satanizing and depopulation agenda (e.g. Agenda 2030). He enthroned the Pachamama demon in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican and dedicated himself to Satan in Canada, thus denying the First Commandment. With the doctrinal declaration Fiducia supplicans, he introduced the legalization and blessing of sodomite unions, the sin of sodomy. In doing so, he discarded the Decalogue and the Creed and transformed the Catholic Church into a New Age antichurch.
The Synod on Synodality’s final document states that “in a synodal Church, the authority of the Bishop, of the Episcopal College and of the Bishop of Rome in regard to decision-taking is inviolable”. This statement reveals the method Bergoglio uses. The statement satisfies Catholics. There is only a small addition to it that “such an exercise of [episcopal] authority, however, is not without limits”. Here is what it looks like in so-called pastoral practice: Bergoglio will establish the exact opposite. In particular, he establishes so-called pastoral councils, which are given supreme powers and eliminate the episcopal hierarchical structure. An example is Germany, where it is no longer the bishop who has the greatest power in the Church but the so-called synodal council made up of pro-LGBTQ lay members.
In the exercise of authority, the document gives the main say to lay persons, especially women. It even advocates greater participation of women in the formation of clergy and greater involvement of women in decision-making in the Church. This means, for example, that a woman can be the administrator of a parish or diocese. Implicitly, this also applies to the highest authority in the Church, the papacy. The document states: “There is no reason or impediment that should prevent women from carrying out leadership roles in the Church.” That’s a lie. God’s Word is clear that a woman should remain silent in the church. It means that a woman cannot be given a place in the leadership of the Church. A woman cannot receive the sacrament of Holy Orders, which is included in three degrees: the diaconate, the priesthood, and the fullness of the priesthood – the episcopate. A Swedish non-Catholic female bishop married to a lesbian is a frightening case. Today, however, according to Fiducia supplicans, the Catholic Church blesses such unions!
A woman has an important role in the Church, just as in the family, where the man is the head and the woman is the heart. Throughout history there have been women who have intervened in the life of the Church, whether it was St Catherine of Siena, St Teresa of Avila, or others. But they did not act on the basis of ecclesiastical office, but on the basis of prophetic ministry. God spoke through them, and the Catholic Church accepted this voice after discernment. Today, Bergoglio misuses the concept of discernment to promote heresies, sin and moral perversions.
The issue around women being admitted to the diaconate is said to remain open and this so-called discernment is supposed to continue.
Jorge Bergoglio is here by God’s permission to expose a cancerous metastasis in the Church. Today, even if Bergoglio voluntarily resigns, it will not help to stop the suicidal process, because the official Church structure is apostate. True reform must therefore come from below, from the faithful, through the priests and bishops. The condition is true repentance. Truth must be called truth, heresy must be called heresy, and the Second Vatican Council, of which the synodal way is the fruit, must also be called heretical. The Church is to be a means of salvation and not, as we see today, of damnation! Primary truths must be put first. It is above all the salvation of souls, which is impossible without personal conversion, repentance and following Christ. This is the true way of salvation, and not Bergoglio’s synodal suicidal path leading to eternal destruction. Bergoglio has virtually convicted the entire Catholic Church of no longer being Catholic or Christian because she does not oppose his heresies and publicly recognizes a heretic as the vicar of Christ. This deep metastasis permeates the entire Catholic Church.
What is the solution?
The fundamental thing is to return to regular prayer. Catholics must set aside a fixed time for prayer – whether it is three Rosaries a day or other Christian prayers. For the Church to be restored and for the family to remain a family, regular daily prayer in the family is an absolute necessity. Practice has shown that the most appropriate time is from 8 to 9 pm. If a person does not pray and repent, sooner or later he will lose saving faith. Many saints have repeated: He who prays will be saved; he who does not pray will be condemned.
What does the Spirit say to the Church?
The synodal path is the path of apostasy, ending in eternal damnation. My people, come out of Bergoglio’s Babylon!

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