every time they try to prove _______ they just prove sumin else

4 months ago

beautiful sound
extremely anxious cos i'm about to perform tonight at an actual comedy show
better to have this attitude than be too confident
i hate performing @ the east room but then i watch it later n i like it way more
i give myself a hard time initially n then i am proud of myself
what feels good at the time is usually not good in the long run
what feels bad at the time IS good in the long run sometimes
i wish women would listen to me since they need so much help
i love this fading in n out *unintentional camera work
i kinda/sorta did piano punk tonight
if i don't like where i'm at i must be in a good position
this discomfort is for a reason, look at it like that n it won't be so bad
i had to take a break cos the internet gets to me
i wish more people had immunity? is that right
they're so used to it that they don't even notice how shitty they feel
even if it's killin ya you're convinced that you like it n need it
i pray intensely before i get up there but i never expected it to make it any easier
torment is a huge part of this haha
all this hell that i subject myself to it's just as well
i used to be pretty bitter that other people don't experience things so intensely
i just pity people that don't feel
maybe i'm wrong about them
politics is pitting, narcissists from all angles
elevated or kicked down to the ground *all me hahaha
i'm not competing w/ anybody damnit

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