very few people have sumin that truly does it for em

4 months ago

experimenting w/ this brass ensemble sound
so much can be revealed by just one thing
that one thing is connected to another thing connected to another thing connected to...
*ad infinitum, ad hominin is shitty argumentative tactics
expect an asterisk
imma take that statement back immediately hahahaha
some select few think that i'm a genius, congratulations
trusting the process ain't complicated at all
tell me if it's bad
it sounds alright right now
it definitely has potential
God knows what chu need
trust that eventually the answers will be revealed to you
maybe it's not anything to think about but i tell myself it's everything to think about
it's catharsis, to say the least
one of the perks of being "crazy"
better to experiment w/ sound than drugs
pretty sure that piano ain't taught in a car
not good at following orders
women seem to be perpetually miserable
complaining is a part of art
i really hate positive people cos they just seem fake to me
i'm just taking my power back, when people actually do that they hate it
how could you possibly be happy being alone (they say)
honking for fun...CLASSIC american bullshit
it's just as well that i forgot hahaha
i need to get a harr cut BAD
using saw palmetto for my harr thinning
so sad that they had to leave
we didn't get to see it, we're all disappointed i know
if you're drinkin take a shot for that
my lazy eye makes me look drunk
so much fun to drive this car
i would totally drive for sport (even as a woman)
trying to preserve this vehicle since i have a terrible habit of ruining things
thelonious (car) is breathing!
listen to thelonious! it's very calming to me, i hope it is to you as well vortex
i need to go outside way more considering how much i appreciate it
almost twenty min w/out some crazy conspiracy go me
there's always sumin else to say, stop lying amy hahaha

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