Maharishikaa | Epic deconstruction of Neo-Advaitin Yearning | Preeti Upanishad

2 months ago

Mohit Rajput asks the Maharishikaa if it's possible for a seeker in search of self realization to turn away from the yearning to merge with cosmic consciousness. Although he has had spontaneous experiences of surrender earlier in life, and feels the existence of the Truth Impulse within - he’s missing the ‘joy’ piece of the puzzle.

Zeroing in on why he is not in a joyous state, Maharishikaa points out that he - a ‘professional’ seeker - has thus far refused to be disciplined about his spiritual path. She emphasizes that the time has now come to undertake spiritual practice consciously.

With compassion and humor, Maharishikaa slowly pulls Mohit out of various conflicts and confusions, pointing him towards the path of Guruvada, encouraging him to find a Guru, and learn Samarpan (surrender) in this ancient and time tested system of spiritual learning- that is, if he truly wants to experience self realization. Bit by bit, she deconstructs the various resistances he experiences to the idea of having a Guru.

A final resistance in this discourse, Mohit expresses his yearning to shed all identity, he questions Maharishikaa's inspiration and the suggested practice of taking up a slim identity in order to inculcate surrender. He is left to ponder the question ‘Who is the ‘I’ that doesn’t want an identity?’

Coming back a few days later, the discourse continues when - like most neo-advaitin seekers - Mohit is unable to answer this question, and must accept the reality of this body. Glimmers of joy are visibly experienced as Maharishikaa brings the classical 'musk deer' to himself, to This Moment.

#Maharishikaa #SelfRealization #truthseekers

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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