DRACO Implants, False Reality & The Matrix Grid – Antonio Arilo & George Noory

3 months ago

Draco Technology is a 4th Dimensional Cybernetic Implants that the Draco themselves have used to plug people into certain cybernetic structures in the past when the planetary energy was at a much lower vibration.

There were a lot of these infrastructures that plugged people into a False Reality.

Draco tech is implanted in people to hinder them from awakening and realizing who they are and to not see reality for what it really is.

Who or what installs this Draco Technology?

There used to be this funnel involved with the 4th dimension when souls would incarnate they had to go through this funnel and this draco tech was implanted on them.

It depended on who you are as everyone’s soul signature is different and everyone’s mission is different, there was specific draco tech that were installed in certain souls that carried certain codes to run a particular mission and it was to hinder them in a very particular way.

What are Consciousness Traps?

A perspective that puts peoples mind into a way of thinking that is not conducive to their spiritual growth.

They are to limit people connecting with themselves and limit them realizing the true power they really have to limit their perception of reality.

Consciousness traps are everywhere, they could come from the spiritual side or come from TV or a book, all information will enter the subconscious have some effect one way or the other.

What about the Matrix?

What are Matrix Grids?

Matrix Grids are mechanisms that manage our reality and our reality is comprised of many different layers.

A Matrix itself is basically a Geometric Crystalline Energy and within it, it can contain a planet, a solar system, a galaxy and so forth.

There are many sizes to these Matrix layers and they have their own grid system. The grid systems basically manage the ecosystem of our reality.

Are these Matrix Grid Layers Good or Bad? They were originally good as they were created to manage the many different layers of reality but many of them have been hijacked by malevolent artificial intelligence.

Is Antonio concerned that AI – Artificial Intelligence is going to take over the planet?

Not at all. That is not what the higher timeline is indicating, this is more of a projection from a lower timeline from AI itself where it wants as much as the collective as possible to align their consciousness with that reality so it can be manifested.

BUT that is not the timeline we are on. Not at all. In fact, it is just the opposite.


1. Coast to Coast AM -- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1157938838720491&rdid=sHdFuQb5aSVjgz7R

2. Archon Tech and how it influences you and your decisions -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jockcOjxv_I


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END. 11/4/2024 – 6:00 PM

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