PLAN FOR DISASTER | Steve Slepcevic

4 months ago

Two weeks after living through the carnage that hurricane Helene caused in Appalachia, I presented at the Reawaken America Tour in Selma North Carolina on the topics of my films on CBDC: The End of Money and STOP IT! Great Taking. I ran into one of the other speakers, Steve Slepcevic who is one of the most interesting operators I've met in a while. He has responded to disasters for over three decades and is the top of his game.
He had much to say on the situation that unfolded in Appalachia. No emergency assets (power generation, tree removal, relief aid) where pre-positioned, even though the trajectory of the storm was evident in advance. As the water, power, cell phone and internet service collapsed and homes, whole towns and major roads disappeared, people in the region felt totally alone. With billions going to migrants, foreign wars and other federal and state boondoggles, where was the relief that was need here at home?

I met Steve Slepcevic backstage at the Reawaken America Tour a few weeks ago. Steve Slepcevic has worked in the disaster field since 1989, and operates the premier rapid response company.

I presented at the conference on my films on CBDCs and outlined the issue of ownership of all stocks and bonds. I'm making a film on the issue and it's the biggest financial fraud story of all time!

You can see my presentation on my upcoming film STOP IT! The Great Taking.

When the police and medical services evacuate an area, Steve forward positions medic, security and specialist teams to protect critical facilities such as hospitals, old folks homes, public infrastructure and private residences to make sure the facilities remain operational and secure.
Listen to this interview to understand what living through a disaster is like, how you can plan to face it with ease and navigate the situation.
When the infrastructure goes down and you are on your own, you must be self sufficient to do what you need to do, not get bogged down by the chaos ensuing around you and make best decisions for yourself and your family.
I can tell you that when hurricane Helene hit, and the power, water, internet and cellular systems went down, cash was the only means to buy anything for over a week from wherever was open. All gas stations were closed, except for a few and they had 5 hour lines.

Quickly, in such scenarios, a new hierarchy of needs arises:
1. Cash
2. Gun
3. Chainsaw
4. Fuel
5. Water
6. Food

Within 5 days, anyone who is useless quickly becomes a peasant and anyone handy becomes a lord. Stress and panic set in. Those who are cool, composed and capable thrive and those who are not, perish.
When the systems collapsed, I had the sinking feeling that we would experience a similar shutdown of power and internet in the future but it would be a different scenario under which it would occur. The WEF has discussed the likelihood of a "cyber pandemic" that could shut down electric power, internet and banking infrastructure along with it. Intelligence agencies around the world have conducted extensive simulation planning for such senarios, cooperatively between Western and BRICS nations alike.

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From his experience addressing all the major disasters of the last 30 years, Steve Selpcevic has advise on how we can preserve the integrity of our communities. When disaster's strike, if we don't have a plan to forward the interests of our areas, the government will have a plan, and it most likely is not in our interests. Hr advises us to prepare on a community level for disaster scenarios and and assemble expert committees ahead of time. Get accredited specialists to sit on the board and form a plan that best serves the interests of your community, in different scenarios.

Forward thinking and all scenarios planning!

Steve also told me, a critical thing to have in a disaster scenario is a satellite phone. He said "The one's with the satellite phones were the first we rescued" [in Appalachia]. At the conference, he introduced me to a supplier, They give you the satellite phone for free and it costs $100/month (for 15 months). Reasonable! [They are not paying me to say this, but did provide me product to sample]

The owner also made a really cool RFID blocking, ballistic backpack that can withstand handgun fire! So cool. Make sure you tablets, phones and computers don't emit anything, and be able to take a bullet!

This experience of going through a disaster has taught me a lot about self sufficiency and planning for our future. Financially we need to navigate the obstacles that the Great Taking issue poses for the property rights to our securities and as well we need to know how to be health, prosperous and able to weather the challenging time we have been born into.

James Patrick

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