Megalithic Blocks - Evidence of Ancient Advanced Civilization and Technology

4 months ago

It began with video called "I discovered impossible geometry on Google Earth" by POV channel on YouTube. (watch video)
After visiting the same area, (Muley Point East, Utah) I found many things that point to an #ancient #advanced #civilization.
1 - Row upon Row of Megalithic Blocks and Rectangles with either perfectly flat sides or once had been flat sides criss crossing the plateau and numbering 600+ in one saved snapshot alone. (POV even states there may be hundreds even thousands in his video)
2 - This predates our Known History even including mythology. As we all know many times myth is proven to be true. Similar to the Longbow Caves discovered by accident by a farmer who decided to drain his pond finding caverns predating their history. (Interesting side note is the melted scooping effect of the rock).
3 - All of these blocks, which are natural according to experts, have a thin white sealant in between them which doesn't even allow water to penetrate. Natural cracks should at least allow water in am I right??
4 - Why did Google Earth feel compelled to alter the images even altering the altitude of parts. The lines and blocks are perfectly flat and do not follow any slopes. Lol, in one saved image GE even shows cars parked on a slope. LMAO
This video may not be much eye candy but you can clearly see the sealant. (Side note - once separated it turns black and can be seen on many of the dislocated blocks)

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