🔊 33 hz Binaural Beat 99:33:66 Pure Tones 🎧 ✞ Christ Consciousness & Pyramid λ 💞 Deep / DARK SCREEN

4 months ago

A pure tone of 33 hz binaural beat pulsing. Meditate, Christ Consciousness, and inner Pyramid frequency. Tesla 3-6-9. UT 396 hz harmonics.
The frequency ratio of Left to Right is 3 to 2 and a mono sub-bass, a Perfect Fifth.
Left: 99 hz (less -6 db for volume equalization)
Right: 66 hz
Difference: 33 hz ↜↜↜↜ Brainwave Pulse
Mono: 33hz less -12 db

This Binaural Beat can be purchased and downloaded for personal non-commercial use at:
🔗 https://belisoful.gumroad.com/

Tesla said the 3:6:9: relationship as the most important concept in the universe:
🔗 https://www.youtu.be/ENqeM4DQOg0

"If 3, 6, 9 numbers are arranged together it makes a letter Ohm (AUM) which represents actually a Sagun Bramh/Nikola Tesla’s 369 triangle which is a part of NirgunBramh having higher dimensions. Number zero is the NirgunBramh (having all the qualities but in dormant form) which does not possess any quality in action. Number 3, 6, 9 forming as an equilateral triangle of static, mutative and sentient forces representing the Black-hole which is a part of Sagun Bramh projecting Himself as a Visible World through Big-bang along with forming five basic elements such as Ethereal, Areal, Fire, Liquid and Solid. According to the biological science, life emerged in this planet from matter about four billion years ago in the form of DNA that carried the software for the development of billion of species on the way to its final destination in humans. These facts also fully support the above hypothesis of universe formations."

99 hz, 66 hz and 33 hz are harmonics of UT 396 hz Solfeggio Tone

Gamma brain frequencies are above 30 hz. Gamma waves have the following benefits:
- They can improve your cognition and problem-solving ability
- They help you with information processing
- They can improve your memory
- They can help increase your attention span
- They can increase your awareness and mindfulness
- They may boost your brain’s immunity and function

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