Ear Worms Halloween Special - Scaring Ourselves with Music and EVP

Streamed on:

Mike "Mountain Hawk" Gourley, Liza Seigido from Psyche Opera, and Lawrence W. Moore of The Wayfarer Project will be spending Halloween sharing music with each other, searching for some EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) with a shortwave radio, and talking shop as independent artists. We are indie artists who craft, make music, and make videos. We have a passion for what we do and are using YouTube as a means to reach others. You can help us out by subscribing to our channels and listening to our music.

Reference Links

This stream is to promote the YouTube Channels and music of:

Mike "Mountain Hawk" Gourley: https://youtube.com/@mikemountainhawkgourley
Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera company: https://youtube.com/@psycheopera
the Wayfarer Project: https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerproject


Jay Goodwin stream regularly on B sides at B Roll Stage: https://youtube.com/@UCCsdTyJ-eH1hOj15x5LtEyA and periodically on Mr. Brown Alliance: https://youtube.com/@mrbrownalliance
Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera Company: https://youtube.com/@psycheopera
Mike Mountain Hawk Gourley: https://www.youtube.com/ @MikeMountainHawkGourley


The Wayfarer Project Merch Store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-wayfarer-project/
The Wayfarer Project Website: https://thewayfarerproject.com
The Wayfarer Project (Music channel): https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project Learning: https://youtube.com/@TheWayfarerProjectLearning
The Wayfarer Project Adventures: https://youtube.com/thewayfarerprojectadventures

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