Intrusions of the Intrusive Leucogranites

3 months ago

35.695206, -114.952154
I have not found a surface geologic map of this area to go by so I'm doing my best by interpolation of nearby maps' pluton dates and other readings long lost. The leucogranite de-mafic-azation of the iron-magnesium silicate minerals sinking to its lower magma chamber by fractional cooling and the subsequent mafic pluton intrusion brought on by more tectonic rifting could explain the darker diorite to gabbro pluton here. Shirley this dark pluton was dated and mentioned in the literature somewhere. My lesson learned here, but should have been obvious going in, is that intrusive skarn metamorphism can be from chemical alteration besides contact heat. The hot gaseous/liquid waters of the deep leave their trails at the margins.

Ireteba Peaks map to the south:

Black Canyon map to the north:

Leucogranite info:

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