PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Evil Enemy The Antichrist Spirit Of Satan

4 months ago

The Punishment Of My Evil Enemy The Antichrist Spirit Of Satan

“The Antichrist is My enemy. He has been around since ancient times, an evil enemy working all evil in My sight. He must be eliminated, and so must Satan— into the Lake of Fire they must go. My son, I detest them both, and they are both infecting the world right now with their spirit. The Antichrist spirit is in the world right now, and many have their hearts infected with it. My son, the Antichrist spirit has infected the hearts and souls of many of My people, so that is why they need the Baptism of My Spirit to drive it out of their lives. In the world it resides, infecting the lives of sinners who have yielded to it by their sin. They will not be saved but must accept the Mark of the Beast. They are not written in My Lamb’s Book of Life, but will be destroyed forever in My Lake of Fire, never-ceasing punishment. Your LORD has spoken, amen.”

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