How to Cook a Tasty Taro Roots (Qulqas) Egyptian Dish Best Recipe - عمل القلقاس في مصر

4 months ago

The simplest and best recipe for Egyptian Qulqas Colocasia or Taro Roots has been known in Egypt for a long time. It has high nutrition value and antioxidants. It is easy to cook and enjoyable to eat. It can be made with or without beef or chicken. عمل القلقاس - مقادير نصف كيلو جرام قلقاس، ١ ليتر مرقة، ١/٤ كوب زيت ، ملح، ورق لورا، ٤ حبات حبهان ، ه فص ثوم ، ٢٥٠ جرام سلق. Making Taro Root (Qulqas) Dish Ingredients Half Kg. Taro root, 1/4 cup oil, bay leaves (Laurel ), 4 cardamom seeds, 5 cloves garlic, tbsp. 250 grams fresh chard.
If you are traveling to Egypt or would like to know more about what Egyptians eat (including Ancient Egyptians) then this is a good source of information for you. This dish can be made with meat or with only vegan ingredients.

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