American Women Are Unattractive? - MGTOW

3 months ago

Fight Club:
The Matrix:
American Beauty:

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Page and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, The fiml, AMERICAN BEAUTY, was released in 1999 and at the 1999 Academy Awards, the film won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor (for Spacey), Best Original Screenplay and Best Cinematography (for Conrad Hall). The film was nominated for and won numerous other awards and honors, mainly for the direction, writing, and acting. Critics of the movie complain the main character is a .pdf file, because he longs for his daughter’s best friend, a high school cheerleader. The fact that all men find high value in younger and undamaged women is male nature. Every male movie-goer, young and old, adored the young actress as she played the cute cheerleader. This sub-plot was not the real message of the movie. In fact, the main thesis was completely overlooked by the majority of the public. Lester had made the decision to go his own way. Rather than a mid-life crisis, as many describe Lester’s change, he chose to make improvements for himself. Lester quit the job he disliked. He started working-out to get his body in-shape. He dismissed his wife, a common, shallow, disloyal 304. Lester bought the car he always wanted. He began to live his life more peacefully and fully, to see the beauty and take care of himself for the first time in his own life. Lester made himself his own mental point of origin. The characters in the movie around Lester notice his change. Lester’s mind & body become attractive, leading to intimacy and tragedy. AMERICAN BEAUTY is an artistic and interesting story about a purple-pilled man choosing to go his own way. In 1999, most people could not comprehend MGTOW. This is a really good, yet dark movie and got many awards." Well Page thanks for the donation a topic. I can't believe how spoiled we were in 1999 with American Beauty, The Matrix and Fight Club. Films where the protagonists rejected consumerism and materialism to achieve their greater potential. When I first started my channel I spoke about these three films and shared clips with Lester from American Beauty telling his wife off while laying down on her overpriced sofa. I don't want to make this video all about a review for American Beauty and put the links to my reviews for all three in the description. Women will casually look at this film and the others as say that they are having a mid life crisis. They don't understand that a man in his mid thirties that's unhappy with life is usually feeling that way because he hasn't lived up to his potential. It's not a midlife crisis but a mid life awakening. Women go through something similar around that time when many get baby rabies in their late thirties and are desperate to get knocked up. Page you're wrong Lester couldn't really go his own way because he was married so he did the best he could. But he lived life for himself for a change and the finally found his bliss only to have it taken away at the last moment by the neighbor when he blew him away with a boomstick.

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