Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Journalist | Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 #2

4 months ago

It's finally here. Welcome to NOT W.D.I.M. because I'm finally on time. Welcome to Black ops 6. And let's hop straight into this campaign. I'm eager to see where this new story goes. No multiplayer till I finish it. That's how we don things here.

*Collectibles Guides---
-Safe locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvM49ayRHa8&pp=ygUeYmxhY2sgb3BzIDYgY29sbGVjdGlibGVzIGd1aWRl

-Safe house puzzles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KthTX4WRtII&pp=ygUeYmxhY2sgb3BzIDYgY29sbGVjdGlibGVzIGd1aWRl

*Mercari & Depop shops: @hkz935

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

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