The Last Of Us

1 month ago

(LOU Part 1) New series. I wanted a new series, so I'm starting a new series. This title is quite intense, one of the more intense games I can think of right off and this is your only warning about that. It's good though, great even. While not exactly an unknown title, there was some controversy about another game titled Last of Us Part 2 or something that overshadowed the brilliance of this here game, which is weird because there is no game named Last of Us Part 2, nor has there ever been. It doesn't exist, so don't bother asking about it. Happy Halloween!

{Editors' Note: No, like seriously, there is no Last of Us Part 2. Ghostbusters 2 exists, Knight of the Old Republic 2 exists, .... the second season of True Detective is ok I guess. But, a game titled The Last of Us Part 2 does not exist. End of discussion. This is the only game in the series.}

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